About Me

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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Study - Student's Prayer

Lord and Savior, true and kind, be the Master of my mind.
Bless, guide, and strengthen still all powers of thought and will.

While I ply the scholar's task, Jesus Christ, be near, I ask
Help the memory, clear the brain, knowledge still to seek and gain.

Here I train for life's swift race; let me do it in thy grace;
Here I arm me for life's fight, let me do it in Thy might.

Thou hast made me mind and soul; I for Thee would use the whole.
Thou hast died that I might live; all my powers to thee I give.

Striving, thinking, learning still, let me follow thus Thy will,
Till my whole glad nature be trained for duty and for Thee.

Handley Carr Glyn Moule, 1841-1920
found in The Methodist Hymnal, London, 1933.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Art - My Profile Photos: Hands at Worship

I select hands for my profile photo. Hands worship the Creator; hurt and heal; communicate by silence or speaking; labor or leisure. I find hands a very beautiful part of the human body; and the Benevolent Creator, Blessed be His Name, will always richly compensate those without the use of hands.