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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Culture Awareness - My Wonderful World

'Riding the Wind on my Bike Through a Small World'
Anita Mullins Brown, 2013
With all respect to dearest family friends who taught me to value human life.

I rode to Italy and spent time with the goodness of Gingolas, Capitenas, Napis, Serpicos, and Mutos;
Bernie taught me about Our Lady of Lourdes and everyone loves healing.
and I rode the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance;

I rode to England and spent time with the Pearsons as I watched a master carpenter at work;
and I rode the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance;

I rode to Puerto Rico and worshiped with my Spanish speaking classmates in their church;
and I rode the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance;

I rode to Israel and shopped for music at Mr. Simon's Music Store who loved to wish me Shalom;
and I rode the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance;

I rode to Scotland and spent time with the Halleens and played with Lori, Robbie, and Ron;
Lori taught me to respect the holy accent of Alexander Graham Bell and the oralist.
and I rode the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance;

I rode to Germany and spent time with the Asmus's playing with Florence and Rudi;
and spent time with Mrs. Berger who taught me Braille and the holiness of Jesus when praying a rosary.
and I rode the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance;

I rode to Hungary and Mrs. Nagy testified in our church of persecuted Christians in Eastern Europe;
and I rode the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance;

I rode to Finland and visited Ollikainen's Music Store and heard him translate for his countrymen;
and I rode the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance;

I rode back home and smelled the lingering fragrance of mother's lilacs and learned to always
ride the wind learning the beautiful gift of tolerant acceptance.

Humanity - Counted in the Number

'Upon seeing images from Numbered'
Documentary Photographs by Uriel Sinai, text by Dana Doron
Getty Photography, New York Times© copyright 1999-2011 Getty Images, Inc. All rights reserved.

Beautiful is the mark of the Benevolent Creator;
Mark me too, O Creator, mark me as yours.
I will be your doorkeeper,
I will be your prophet who announces your goodness.

The beauty that comes from the mark of the Creator...
His Presence, His House, His Lands, His Image on every face...

Beautiful is the mark of the Benevolent Creator;
Mark me too, O Creator, mark me as yours.
Then I will be your champion; defending your honor.
This Life with His Mark is the beautiful life.
by Anita Mullins Brown, 2013