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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh - But Flowers Died

When the Maji presented Our Lord Jesus with gold, frankincense, and myrrh, these gifts were prophetic of Lord Jesus' majesty through the gold, divinity through the frankincense, and His death by the myrrh. Our faith hinges not only by Jesus' birth but His death and resurrection. Our worship centered entirely around our Lord Jesus and the faith in His eternal love and care for us. We knew that we were a part of the body of Christ; our worship reflected the glory of Our Lord Jesus.

We celebrated Our Lord Jesus in our churches and tried to teach Jesus to our babies in Nursery Sunday School Roll. Our Babies were like fresh, beautiful flowers every Sunday morning. Created in God's own image, they saw and heard the gradual departure from the Holy Presence of God and the constant presence of business structures, programs, clubs, special music, and impressive electronic productions and fanfare. Eventually, the babies grew up in our worship places watching the very things Apostle Paul spoke against in his letters. Envy, strife, dissensions, arrogance, greed, and eventually open hostility and the babies never saw repentance and healing in God's house. They never saw anyone turn back to the holy way of Jesus.

The Holy Presence left the worship and took the holy spirit of gold, frankincense, and myrrh until no one had reverence for the Holy Presence, the holy people, and even holy property. The children grew and longed for the day when they could finally be free to leave the holy place of worship. When our worship lost the Holy Presence it became a secular gathering full of resentful tension and brutal political competition.

Now we have stunning buildings and property with empty nurseries and empty Sunday school rooms where babies and children once sang, colored Bible pictures, and learned Bible stories. We have very pretty Christmas decorations and happy music more than sufficient without the children's pageant.

Now we seniors sit in our claimed pew-spot and wonder why the seats are empty. We turn from the grief and enjoy the pretty sights and sounds.

Where have all the flowers gone long time passing? 1

Isn't it long past time to pray and ask Lord Jesus to reclaim His rulership in our worship?

Isn't it long past time to reverence and honor Creator and humanity with fear and trembling?

It is so very simple...just turn back to Jesus.

1 https://folkways.si.edu/pete-seeger-collection/where-have-all-the-flowers-gone

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Study - Peer Pressure: Dressed with Perls

I was junior high school age and my family went shopping at Hills Department Store in our hometown. As always, I was taken by the sparkles in the jewelry department and my father approached me and handed me Perls' Gestalt Prayer 1 typed on a small note card. I still have it neatly tucked in a journal. Since then, it has been quite a mental anchor when others presume to order and control my life without God's perfect will. 

"I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I, 
and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped."

(Fritz Perls, 1969)

 1 Perls, Frederick S. The Gestalt Prayer. Wilmette, Ill: Aquarian Productions, 1969.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Safe in prison

When I say, 'I love God,' I really want to say, 'I want to love God.'

When I want to love God so much that I want to defend the honor of God, I run and hide.

Why is it so very easy to love ourselves and our own desires more than the zeal of God?

What I want..
What makes me happy...
What are my own needs...

I hope no one finds out...
I hope I can hide my selfishness
I hope no one will discover my vulnerability

I hide when I hear rhetoric that builds prison walls that cry
you're not allowed.
this is no place for you, leave quickly.
you don't need school because your people work.
how are you going to serve me if you're in school all day?
you don't need to worry about school. You can always get a job at a grocery store.

Klan says, 'Anita, you're not white enough.'
Job Market says, 'Anita, you're not thin, pretty enough.'
Black Lives tells me, 'Anita, you're not black enough.'
Blue Lives makes me feel totally outcast and in hopeless debt.
Gay community says that because of my faith, I am a bigot.
Society judges and condemns.

I will hold on for dear life, hold on for all I can in the faith and trust that my Lord Jesus gave Himself for me too. Jesus loves even me, Anita Mullins Brown, a fat and old white lady.

God have mercy on me and on the whole world.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Culture Awareness - Get Out More

Cultural Diversity: Get out more.

My neighborhood in Northeastern Ohio was comprised of European immigrants who spoke their native languages in their homes. Growing up surrounded by people very different from myself, was a wonderful way to learn about other countries and cultures.

When I married a southern pastor and lived in the agrarian culture of southern Appalachia it was shocking to meet people who never left their own property or met anyone outside their own culture. Typically, farmers live and work on their own generational land without rest. Their most important reading is the latest agricultural market rates and current farm practices. They are noble, hard-working, and diligent people who provide food to the world.

When I feel people criticize me unfairly, I've learned to see them as Our Lord Jesus would see them: Full of perfect love and compassion. Most of the critics I have met, do so because they are content knowing nothing of other world views and cultures; I pray to have such a level of contentment.

When you are called among people with another world view and culture, remember you have the higher, academic burden to see them as they are: A human being unique and absolutely beautiful in God's creative eyes.

If you see differences, it is your burden to 'get out' and love the world and all the different cultures just as they are. 

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Study - Library - How to find the Place

The Library is the Place (1) where there is always a librarian on duty.

In academic, college libraries, a librarian is one who has earned a master's degree (and or higher) in Library Science or information related discipline. Typically academic entities advance based on academics earned and not timed served as in service-entities. Public libraries employ and title librarians based on local government standards, however, most will have earned an undergraduate degree in Library Science.

There are several kinds of libraries that include, but not limited to Public, School, Specialized, and Academic. Ideally, community users may freely use any library, but private specialized and college libraries may require an application, fee for a community card to use the facility or borrow items or may not be open to the general public. Be aware when choosing your library that every library will have its unique standards of operation users are expected to observe and comply. They may practice security procedures such as metal detection, bag searching, etc.

Public libraries are usually operated by a public municipality or local government and are normally open to the general population of all ages and social-economic positions. Local government will determine the requirements of a librarian; typically a public librarian will have earned either an Associate or Bachelor in Library Science and work at a reference desk. It's a wonderful place offering information services for all ages and needs. Children's reading rooms, film viewing, easy seating for adults to enjoy their periodicals, and people may consult the librarian for specific research needs. Public libraries are a fun, busy place where anyone can read and learn.

School libraries generally will serve public or private schools with pre-school, kindergarten through 12th grade and the state government will determine the librarian's academic qualifications. Their mission is to serve the students attending their school. They may not be open to the general public.

Specialized libraries are private research facilities owned by a corporation to make research services available to their employees on the company premises which include corporations, churches, museums, research production labs, health care facilities. Depending on the governing body, the librarian may be required to have earned an advanced academic degree. Their mission is to provide convenient information for their employees who may need to consult a research librarian. Most of the time, they will require a reservation if the individual corporation allows public users.

The best library is the academic college library whether you are a student or not, try to use the college library in your area for your study. No matter the culture, country, or local policy, the library is the place that processes and distributes information. If you are not a registered user of a specific library, find out the policy for public users. Most librarians in higher education will have earned a master's or above academic degree in Library Science, Information Science, or discipline required by the college they serve. Many colleges employ support staff and students to assist with practical duties to allow librarians freedom to help students with research needs. Make sure you are consulting a research librarian with your research needs. Support staff can help you find a specific title, directional and technical help, and general patron services. Student-workers offer immediate and practical support while using the library. 

Now that you have found your favorite library, you need to find the right study space and here are are a few pointers to help save time and promote concentration and hopefully eliminate all frustrating distractions:

  • First, always consult the librarian for access to library policies. If you are not attending their school, this is a must. Refer to their website frequently to ensure you are compliant. 
  • If the library allows, use a backpack, book bag on coasters with your items: pencils, pens, paper, books, laptop, and other learning devices, staple/tape, highlighters, earbuds/plugs. What do you normally use when you study? It's always helpful to have your supplies with you. A zipper 3-holed pouch easily found at any local retailer can hold paper clips, small scissors, pen/pencils, strait-edge ruler or bookmarks, highlighters, earbuds, packs of sanitary clean wipes, small personal hygiene items, etc. Having your items will help save time and energy for study. 
  •  Ask the librarian on duty for a tour. This saves you valuable time knowing the layout before you begin and a research librarian will have the highest insight to introduce the study materials in a given area. 
  • Consider your study mood and subject matter. Take time ahead to experiment with varied positions and areas in the library. Will the subject matter demand total quiet, moderate noise, or full group study noise? The noise level, seating environment, open or small spacing will either help or frustrate study effectiveness. 
  • The correct chairs and desks are critical. Do you need a comfort full cushion chair or a straight wood chair? Do you prefer task coaster chair? What seating will help with the subject at hand? Experiment and have fun trying out the different seating options ahead of time. There are tables to spread out print resources and papers or study carrels if you want a private, concealed space. 
  • Examine the physical environment for you and your subject. Generally, tables will invite group study in larger, open spaces while carrels will encourage quiet, private study in a closed area. Suffering from attention deficit, I always prefer a study carrel with a shelf or table facing a wall. The less distraction is the rule if the subject matter demands your fullest attention. Those who need open, larger space with minimal distraction may want to consider a large table in a large room facing a wall.
  • Traffic congestion with the highest noise level varies in every library building. Printers, entrances/exits, service desks, concessions, and public restrooms will always have the most presence and noise. Your study mood and subject matter will determine if you can concentrate effectively in these areas. If you know you will need to use the printer frequently, study near a printer; the same applies if you require vending frequently. 
  • Designated, specific study areas provide quiet, whisper, or group study. Quiet study areas will usually have individual carrels or tables and the area is monitored to promote quiet. Areas that allow minimal communication may be in an open, larger area with tables. Areas allowing group study and collaboration will allow open communication. If reserved rooms are not available, there may be separate study groups in one space with a higher noise level. 
  •  Use your headphones, earbuds, or sanitary earplugs. These can help block out noise and help with concentration. Listening to music can encourage or distract from your study. Make sure what you listen to promotes concentration and learning rather than distract or you may need absolute quiet for a particular subject. Your own saved playlist from your listening device or laptop can be helpful. I am thankful for genre playlists that allow me the choice of folk/Woodstock, Asian traditional folk, Kpop, Gospel, Hymns, classical, TLM Gregorian chants, Ashkenazi cantors, countertenors. I have collected my favorite songs from every genre I enjoy. Sometimes quiet is necessary and earplugs can help to block out noises. 
  • If the library allows, having your food and drink is a must especially if you plan to 'camp out' at the library. This saves time from packing up/unpacking for lunch. Make sure your liquids and food are contained and the food is not aromatic that would distract other users. While your main goal is to save time and energy for study, make sure you do not distract other users. Be careful of sounds and smells when you snack or use electronics. 
  •  Clean your workspace with your clean wipes before unpacking and after you pack. This will make your workspace more comfortable for you and allow kind courtesy for the next user. If you don't pack wipes, use paper towels and light soap from the restroom to wipe the table. 

Remember, libraries provide usable information and a place to process the information. Your library is your place to make the 'A+.'

  1. Library as Place: Rethinking Roles, Rethinking Space. (2005). [pdf paper] Council on Library and Information Resources. Available at: https://www.clir.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/pub129.pdf [Accessed 31 Aug. 2019].

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Study - Financial Aid - When the money stops talking - Part 2 - How to shop 'Cheap'

Shopping 'cheap' is an art that can be learned quickly with a few ideas to help to prioritize when spending money. A word of warning when shopping second-hand: Never buy any item that cannot be laundered/cleaned with liquid house bleach such as foundation wear, shoes, fabric with fur/fleece, or fabric upholstery. Make sure any material is smooth and easily cleaned.

Now, here are a few specifics to help save money:
  • Pay the high costs for only required specific branding. These expenses are routinely reimbursed, but there are always hidden costs that are freely out of pocket:
    • outer uniform/suiting with specific company logo
    • shoes required by the school/employer
    • tangible supplies required with brand logo
    • under-armor, supportive wear required
    • public relations entertainment 
  • Second-hand thrift stores, yard sales, are smart
    • Buy outer clothing that can be professionally dry-cleaned. Dress shirts, suiting, athletic sportswear, and outer coats without fur or fleece, are safe items that can be professionally cleaned to look professional. 
      • Avoid shoes, fur/fleece/flannel clothing, and any foundation clothing; they are used and may have contaminants that can not be easily eliminated. Use your own judgment if they are in the original manufactured packaging and make sure they are whites easily laundered with bleach. It is always best to buy them new at local department stores. 
    • Use caution with outdated fad-fashion. Revival fads are never recommended. Select outerwear that reflects a standard, traditional, classic professional banker/finance appearance. 
      • Avoid suiting with large lapels and double-breasted that may reflect popular fad from the 'Disco 1970s.' 
      • Avoid suiting with tiny lapels and narrow or wide slacks as they also may reflect popular fad from the early 1960 and the bell-bottoms from the 1970s. 
      • Avoid prints fabrics and stay with dark solids. Black should be worn Monday-Thursday and use navy blue or dark brown for casual Friday if permitted. Striped or plaids can be too controversial: Too wide, too loud, too thin, etc. Save the prints for fun during dress activities in your private life.
    • Any tangible hard item that can be easily cleaned with household cleansers can be cheaply purchased: books, wall decor, wood furniture, office supply/equipment, stationery, rubber mats. Again, always avoid fur/fleece/porous materials and select smooth surfaces for easy cleaning. 
  • A second-hand consignment may not be really less expensive
    • Consignment shops are often more expensive depending on the individual exchange policy as they sell for their clients. They are traditionally selective with their clients and merchandise they sell. 
    • Use them as a last resort for specific labels on clothing, home furnishing. 
    • Again, the same suggestions apply as listed under second-hand thrift, yard sales. 
  • Discount department stores and dollar stores can help:
    • Sadly discount stores often have low prices due to mass marketing and mass supply/demand. Their prices are very low and often lower than the dollar store. Select grocery, households, electronics, toiletries, foundation wear, and hardware at these discount department stores. 
    • For items over $1 at the discount department stores, shop the dollar stores to select items for $1. 
  • Grocery - Eat healthy to live, not live to eat
    • For suppers at home: When cooking, freeze leftovers for later. If the dish cannot be frozen, don't make it. This is great with suppers at home; 'TV dinners' from the freezer to the microwave. 
    • Use the crock-pot on slow, medium for all night cooking and use for your lunches for the next three days. One chicken breast in the crock-pot will allow three lunches at work in a sandwich or on crackers. This will save a fortune on deli meals at work/school if you have access to a refrigerator. Meats and dairy must be refrigerated. 
    • If your health allows and you do not have access to a refrigerator, peanut butter with celery or other raw vegetables or crackers is a great alternative to meats and dairy for lunch. Remember your goal is to save money and maintain good health. 
    • Use a large thermos or sports bottle for beverages rather than purchase drinks. The drink machine or soda fountains are always expensive. They add up. 
  • Utilities at home
    • Keep lights, electric switches turned off when a room is not in use. Unplug any electric appliance if possible when they are not used. 
    • Avoid heating/air controls and use a portable fan/heater in the room you are using. Make sure they are safe in proper working order and use with caution by moving the appliance with you to another room. Before going to bed unplug the portable and use the heat/air controls only in the bedroom you use. Close the vents in the other rooms and make sure no heat/air escapes by closing and covering the vents and using door 'draft dodgers'. Only open the vents in the bedroom you sleep in. Make sure portable appliances are unplugged from the wall to avoid fires.   
    • Use blankets and quilts for lounging or sleeping to keep warm with portable heat/air devise. When asleep, the heating and air controls will keep you warm safely.
    • Launder as you shower. The best way to keep foundation wear in great shape is hand washing and line drying. Use the washer/drying for large outerwear or large households such as bedding and towels or items when you want to use bleach. Line drying can cause static in fine washable pants/skirts and an annoyance at work, be sure to use a fabric wash/softener liquid if you wash by hand. Use your own judgment using the washer/dryer to prevent the static in your dress clothing. Use a delicate fabric wash/softener on dress clothing specific for dark (or light) colors and wash/dry the dark (or light) dress clothing together. This will keep the washables looking and wearing well without the dreadful static at work. 
    • Cook with microwave, crock-pot, hot pot, or portable device. Use the conventional stove for larger dishes and when multiple stove eyes are necessary. The larger the appliance, the more costly the utility bill.  
    • Cell phones can be very affordable by being a part of a group plan or my personal choice is the cheapest on the peg at the discount department store and pay monthly as needed. Thankfully my phone is only for call in and out without the extra features. Most of the time the employer or school will provide a cell phone with the features they require. Use wisdom when spending money on a cell. If you have a cell phone, a landline home phone should not be necessary.
  • Travel gas and accommodations. Always use caution in every environment.
    • If you live near a store, simply walk if possible and if the area is safe. A roller cart is wonderful to shop with if it stays open. It's a good idea to ask the merchant immediately to avoid shoplifting suspicion. 
    • When parking at a shopping center, stay parked and walk to various shops. Remember to use caution and wisdom regarding area safety.
    • When staying in hotels, don't be shy to stay 'cheap.' Research the hotel: location, health rating, and most valuable public reviews. Personal safety, clean, and bug-free are the priorities. Always carry your own bathroom cleanser and wear aqua/shower shoes in the tub/shower. 
Theses ideas may be wordy but will open doors to more great ideas to save money for the most important expenses in your life. 

May you always enjoy the highest best in your life. 

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Writing a Blog: My Creed - What I am About

When preparing to teach, it's a must to know the world view of your sources. There are times it is very hard to find a 'statement of faith' on a website. Despite my best efforts to clearly define my own persuasion, the Apostle's Creed says it all:

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; which was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell [that is, the place of the departed righteous]; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven; and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic [universal] church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and life everlasting. Amen.

To learn more about the Apostle's Creed:

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Peer Pressure: What will they think? A walk in the park.

They/Them. They are scary people who demand seniority at your constant expense. 

They/Them are the people with no honor for Creator or humanity but care only for their own desires. There are two kinds: The innocent people I allow to degrade me and those who have a genuine need to exalt themselves at the expense of others. 

There is a time of life when saying 'No' becomes a learned behavior that will save your life and you will never allow anyone to degrade you again. Simply lifting your right hand with palm facing the attacker and firmly saying, 'No.' Them/They are as a rapist who must be told and firmly, 'No.' 

When They/Them want to dominate God's place in your life and distract you from your relationship with God, here are a few techniques that have helped me survive:

1. Always keep your soul at the foot of the Cross of Christ by staying in a constant spirit of prayer. I simply meditate on the Lord's Model Prayer from Mattew 6: Honor God, thank God that He is indeed your loving Father, pray for His involvement in your life and soon return, pray for your earthly needs and relationships, most resolute declare God's Lordship in your life. 

2. Grip faith in the truth that God honors and answers prayers that encourage right friendship with Him. God wants a loving friendship with you more and anything. God will help you and keep you in the center of His Perfect Will.

Perhaps your faith is not Judeo Christian, therefore use your own benevolent faith and see yourself as walking among the most beautiful flowers in a very safe field. You are alone and enjoying a wonderful, peaceful and cool breezy walk among the field of flowers. They are at your feet and you are enjoying their beauty and fragrance. Think of these precious flowers as 'They/Them' and remember you are walking tall above them as they bless you. 

The flowers are clothed by the creator just as They/Them have entered your life for a reason. Learn from them, but never forget you are divinely created for a purpose that cannot be controlled or manipulated by others. You are divinely chosen to live in this world to honor Creator and humanity but never ruled by They/Them. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Study - Financial Aid - When the money stops talking - Part 1

When applying for college, financial decisions seem to have the most direct impact on life. The decision can cause both the most devastating or the most beneficial lifelong results. Your study must be the highest priority above all concerns; you are a student who will be a far greater servant to Creator and Humanity. Your studies must be the most important priority in your life.

Here are a few idealistic thoughts that may be of some help when planning academic finance:

1. In a perfect world, students would never have to work a job and attend classes at the same time. Summer or academic breaks should allow for full-time work or school, but never both. Use the breaks to work jobs to earn money, but devote your full attention to your studies.

2. Save your childhood money in a saving account for school: allowance, jobs, gifts.

3. Shop cheap for the common needs: school supplies, outer clothing, toiletries. You may require a specific school brand or a specific type of shoes/uniform which will be costly.

4. Textbooks are always overpriced; a known 'rip-off/racket.' Mass production causes books a short shelf life and the subject matter is usually obsolete after six months. The high retail costs of textbooks are unreasonable. Shop for 'cheap textbooks' online for price comparison. Depending on the subject, an older edition may suffice. Search the web for renting textbooks that are not of interest or not related to your major study. Save for books that are life-long needs for your career. Ask your professor to place the textbook on Reserve check out in the campus library.

5. Avoid loans.

6. Beware of private sector scholarships. They will demand your time and devotion and expect your presence at banquets and political functions to 'show you off' as their latest recipient. They may want you on their parade floats, banquets, or even volunteer functions. Make sure you research every scholarship before you pursue a given group and fully understand their expectations before you apply for their funding.

7. Be prepared if the money fails. Governmental or corporate funding is always fallible. One day a full scholarship, then a government or institutional issue takes the scholarship away. Yes, this happens too often. Remember, as sacred our country and world, it is still fallible despite the highest efforts. Disappointments contribute to reality just as every success and joy. You will find options and you will survive. Nothing can destroy determination and a true student. The true student will use the resources given and survive to succeed and become the greater servant to Creator and Humanity. Consider transferring to a less expensive college (public liberal arts or community college), try parttime enrollment and a parttime job on campus to reduce travel and research other financial aid options.

8. Live with your parents, grandparents, older sibling, or close aunt or uncle who live near the college if they are loving and supportive. They may expect some service or even rent that will work around your school scheduling. This can be far less costly than the traditional room/board provided by a college campus. Sadly, living with family can be more demanding than college requirements. Use this option wisely. This can eliminate unnecessary labor time and help you focus on your studies and required activities. Living in a shared private apartment is often affordable, but can distract terribly from your studies. It takes effort and a lot of quality time to form positive living arrangments with other people; often a gamble.

9. Vehicles do not have to be a necessary evil in school. Use campus, public transportation, or bicycle. Campus and public transportation are usually far less costly than owning a vehicle. Shop for daily car rental subscription companies for required one-day travel needs. Wait until your internship, or fieldwork before you obtain a vehicle. If your required activity allows for group travel, use the provided campus transportation. If your required off-campus activities are more than the number of group activities, you may need your own vehicle. Consider using a bicycle and a professional-corporate backpack. If your business travel is less than 5-miles, your professional attire will look pristine; if working in health care, you need to pack the uniform correctly and change before you begin work to promote germ-free attire. Bicycling to school and work is very wise for your holistic health as well as your budget. Urgent note: Learn and obey bicycling municipal laws before you cycle; bicycling requires a helmet, side mirror, and lighting and reflectors.

10. You can succeed when the world seems to bite you. When you honor the Creator and Humanity, you can do anything.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

In Common: The Tables Turned For Luther with Blond Curls

One of the greatest American dance icons in history was Luther Robinson, aka Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson, a black tap dancer who developed and taught  American Swing dance style from 1892 until his death in 1959. After Robinson's success, many black street dancers became known as "Bojangles." Raised by his grandmother, a former slave in Richmond, Virginia and despite his continued fame suffered racial segregation and discrimination.  Meistro Robinson taught and coached many of America's greatest dancers including Shirley Temple, Eleanor Powell, Florence Mills, and Fred Astaire. 

Shirley Temple was a privileged preschooler with curly blond hair and pushed by her mother to the entertainment industry and later squandered Shirley's wealth. When Shirley met the Dance Master Robinson, they had a spiritual connection. Robinson taught Shirley Temple how to entertain and Shirley gave Mr. Robinson a pure and loving friend for life. Their chemistry is seen in films, The Little Colonel, The Little Rebel, and Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm. 

Today, I see the same chemistry on screen with the and new Korean film Swing Kids 2. During the Korean Conflict, an African American sergeant is ordered to teach tap dancing to a communist North Korean prisoner of war. A Black American high-rank soldier who suffers such a life of racial discrimination has to connect to a communist soldier who is conditioned to accept and die for his oppressed state. 

I wonder what would happen if we who are so very uniquely designed by the Creator could really connect and find The Holy Cause together and make a difference for the honor of the Creator and the betterment of humanity than the constant demands for power. 

God have mercy on us who claim to know Him and God have mercy on the whole world.

1. http://atdf.org/awards/bojangles.html

2. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7046974/

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Humanity: Baby's High Chair

My mother loves to tell a story that when I was a baby, my family ate at Colonel Sanders' Kenny Kings Restaurant. I was just barely old enough to sit up on my own and was provided a high chair from which I happily played with my food and throwing it on the floor. Colonel Sanders was delighted to clean me, the high chair, and the floor. Mother loved telling this story no doubt due to his loving personality and Colonel Sanders was from her home state of Kentucky. Colonel Sanders always looked clean in his white hair and suit.

I always thought of high chairs as very dirty space that always required cleaning and sanitizing and the babies who used them were uncontrollable while being in a confined space. Not every child can use a high chair.

The high chair confinement can be a throne, oval office, corporate founder or owner's office, and a dreadful place of human sacrifice. The high chair of authority, the lead chair, first chair, the chairman's position is a place that will never tolerate self centered ambition at the expense of the people they are supposed to serve. If the leader becomes self gratifying, then they will quickly fall.

As people who follow a higher authority, we are obligated and required to pray and fast for our leaders. If they make mistakes, we must take the responsibility. If we earnestly pray for our leaders, then our lives will be led by our Benevolent Creator.

Stop the critics and simply pray for our leaders. Only God can help the leaders if we pray.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Humanity: In a perfect world

In a perfect life, what would make me happy?

I don't know.

Maybe a little list

  • cozy cabin in a small, sea-side town
  • use the local library and write
  • no money concerns
  • volunteer and make a difference for the betterment of others
  • provide music therapy for others
  • learn about Asian cultures
    • language
    • calligraphy
    • music/strings
    • martial arts
    • Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism
    • History
  • Study in Jerusalem - Talmud, Torah, Language
  • learn how to heal others; offer free help

Where in the world can I possibly be of use? 

What in the world can I do?


Political Affairs: Why do we Suffer and What are the Choices?

Some questions simply do not have an answer. It would be too easy to consider the victim or try to define and measure the suffering, but that is impossible. How can we measure suffering? We can't.

Far better to reverence the Creator and Humanity, than degrade precious time and humanity with the impossible task of measuring suffering.

This is a created world where people make decisions about our lives, we need to recognize our need for divine faith in a supreme being and our dependence on each other.

The next time a bad memory threatens us with bigotry and prejudice away from higher thinking, consider the suffering of others who never asked for 'it:'
  • subjects of human experimentation
  • victims of mob massacre, rape
  • victims of political revolution 
  • military/civilian prisoners of war
  • victims of domestic violence
  • subjects of imposed brain washing and conditioning
  • slaves
  • Native American, and all who are conquered people
  • conquered people ruled by evil
  • homeless children, sick who are violated and killed daily
  • malignant illness by external factors
  • impoverished 
  • hungry
  • murdered babies partially born
Now, what was your question? What was your race/political concern?

What are the new vocabulary words I need to learn and accept?

  • microaggression
  • white privilege
  • political correctness
  • black lives
  • blue lives
  • klan
  • panther
  • immigration
  • political correct

Sorry, I just don't have time for you. I watch for the Savior to know how to help those who want help. 

Having never benefited, I don't ask to be understood, loved, noticed, or even considered.

I just ask for Jesus and His leading.