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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Systemic Racism: We Lost our Wonderful Child

The electrified sounds of screams, shouting, tambourines, piano, organ after dark
and we shouted the glory down and felt better after church;

The sights and smell of sweat as we ran the church isles, jumping, cheering, waving our hands
and we shouted the glory down and we felt better after church;

The intermitted rest as we lay on the floor with our modest towel over our legs
and we shouted the glory down and we felt better after church;

At home, when our parents felt powerless by world conflicts and threats
and waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

At school, we kept our eyes circumspect lest we may be touched by sin
and waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

At the grocery store, we counted the cost so to fill the cart
and waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

At the downtown dress store and the clerk suggesting a more suitable thrift shop down at the harbor
and waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

At a morning church with the tense insults, shepherd's criticism, borning storytime, gossip raging
and waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

At home, when news of young rebels unhappy with God and country
and waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We lost our Wonderful Child 1
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to touch His fingers and toes
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to listen to His Words
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to know His longing for our attention
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to know His pleading for our souls
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to know His Wonderful Spirit
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to know His Wonderful Love for us
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to watch Him grow in us
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to know His perfect Purity of heart
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We were not able to celebrate His birthdays
but always waited until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We lost that Wonderful Child in the manger kit; it's somewhere in the closet or may be sold in the yard sale
but we can always wait until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We lost that Wonderful Child and the flowers are gone 2 
but we can always wait until the next time we can shout the glory down and feel better; 

We lost that Wonderful Child and found fun glitter and gold 3
and we shouted the glory down and felt better after church;

Wonderful Child grew up somewhere else and sent us a letter and we smiled and put it on top of the fridge
and we shouted the glory down and felt better after church.

"Isaiah 53.3. If sin rules in me, God's life in me will be killed; if God rules in me, sin in me will be killed. The final culmination of sin was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and what was true in the history of God on earth will also be true in your history and in mine-that is, sin will kill the life of God in us. It is the only explanation why Jesus Christ came to earth, and it is the explanation of the grief and sorrow of life." 4

1 https://hymnary.org/hymn/LUYH2013/99
2 http://www.folkarchive.de/where.html
3 https://www.songfacts.com/lyrics/barns-courtney/glitter-and-gold
4 My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Systemic Racism - People Like You

When Al Franken created the character, Stuart Smalley, on Saturday Night Live, Stewart was an annoying, self-proclaimed counselor who always ended his sessions with 'people like me.' 1

When I was little, I heard this line because I belonged to a social and religious group that was not always welcomed.

  • People like you are good for our workforce.
  • People like you don't need formal education.
  • People like you are stout and easy to have children.
  • People like you have lower standards than others.
  • People like you can work in the mines rather than go to school.
  • People like you will be happy with anything.
  • People like you are easy to please.
  • People like you had slaves.
  • People like you are bad.
  • People like you are guilty.
  • People like you...
Hearing this in my life always made me wonder why people never took the time to find out the truth about the people they were speaking about. Now at this point in my life, I have complete compassion for those who freely use that line. Some of them are neighbors, teachers, professional health care providers,  church members, classmates, and very influential television/radio programming.  They just didn't know that the One True God's love for them 'endureth forever.' 2 Those who believed in Our Lord Jesus,  just like me, didn't know that we could have a friendship with God the Son who loved us so much and made it possible to call us His friends. How little did we know we were created in the image of God and it is God who made us and not we ourselves. 3 It is God who decided I would be born just as I am and loves everything He made and called me good. 4 

One of my favorite prayers is the Charlotte Elliott hymn, 'Just as I Am Without One Plea.' 5

1 Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidd'st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come

2 Just as I am, and waiting not
to rid my soul of one dark blot,
to thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

3 Just as I am, though tossed about
with many a conflict, many a doubt,
fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

4 Just as I am, thou wilt receive,
wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
because thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come. 5

 So now, when I meet people who use the line, 'people like me,' I will ask them if they know God personally? Are they friends with God like dear Abraham? 

Maybe if we can like God, then maybe we can like each other. 

God have mercy on me and on the whole world. 

1. https://snltranscripts.jt.org/91/91asmalley.phtml
2. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+136-140&version=KJV
3. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20100%3A3&version=KJV
4. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1-2&version=KJV
5 - https://hymnary.org/text/just_as_i_am_without_one_plea

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Culture War: First Thing in the Morning

What's on your mind the first thing in the morning? Usually, it will be the most important motivation and guide throughout your day. The first waking thought is rooted and grounded in the very inner core of what guides, directs, and leads you through every decision you make.

I like the old gospel song that taught me that my first waking thought must be on God and His supreme rulership in my life. Before my eyes and ears open, I want to be sure that God alone has my fullest attention and my complete submission. If my mind and heart are rushed to put on slippers and robe and move to finish daily chores, then my thoughts will produce a wasted leading to unrest, hast to judge, flippant comments about others, and untrue imaginations.

I thank God for the physical ability to get up in the morning; I ask for His guidance as I put on my houseshoes; when brushing my teeth, I ask God to bridle my tongue and place a watch over my lips1; I pray God will control my thoughts as I wash and groom my hair.

"Oh I woke up this morning with my mind
And it was stayed on Jesus
Can't hate your neighbor in your mind
If you keep it stayed on Jesus
Makes you love everybody with your mind
When you keep it stayed on Jesus
The devil can't catch you in your mind
If you keep it stayed on Jesus
Jesus is the captain in your mind
When you keep it stayed on Jesus." 2

I'm reminded of a line from 'Absolute Power' spoken by Clint Eastwood, " When you're alone and rage takes over and you want revenge. . .what face do you put with your enemy?"  Sometimes I struggle to keep Jesus on my mind at all times rather than the faces of many who want to be my enemy. It would be so easy to resent and hate the evil deeds others have done.

What if we could simply pray and ask God to fight our battles for us as He promised 4 or we can pray that our minds and hearts be acceptable to Him. 5  Rather than wasting on the uncertain truth that always produces hate, why not try to simply talk to God. Pray and ask God to heal the open wounds that only He can heal.

After all, what we think first thing in the morning is what we do all day.

1. Psalms 141:3
2. "I woke up this morning with my mind," lyrics provided by http://www.allgospellyrics.com/?sec=listing&lyricid=7824
3. http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/a/absolute-power-script-transcript-eastwood.html
4. 1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15
5. Psalms 19:14

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Lest We Forget the Cost

When Elie Wiesel and other WWII survivors spoke at the opening of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, I will never forget the two lessons I learned:
"Lest We Forget" 1
"Thank God for a routine and boring life." 2
I may never fully understand these truths just as most Biblical principals. However, the longer I live, I find it less urgent to forget my failings, and the need to accomplish. I have found the best teachers are the failings in my life and the best comfort is a boring and routine schedule. 

God made us in His image and we are given such freedom to use holy talents to the point we are capable of doing anything we want. It is so tragic when mankind finds power in evil; blasphemy against God and destruction of humanity.

Sometimes people take positive comfort from tangible holy reminders such as the Bible, crosses, Magen David, or Hamsa. The deeper reminders usually come from sorrow, failings, and the remnants of object lessons found in cemeteries as we visit the graves of our family or museums which teach us of what evil can do and should encourage us to reverence God and humanity above our own desires. 

I toured a museum and a living history village on a Native American reservation and I was offended by the evil man can do.

The mental hospital where I volunteered playing music had a treatment history exhibit and I was terribly offended.

Holocaust Museum with artifacts of human remains offends me;
Bull Run National Park where women and children were massacred offends me;
Chinese Railroad Workers Exhibit in San Francisco showing once noble human being reduced to slaves offends me;
Japanese Internment Camp that jailed innocent Americans offends me;
Factory Museum with pictures of poor women and child labor offends me;
A cinema history museum offends me;
Coal Mine exhibit in West Virginia offends me...

Surely I would never be so capable of such inhumanity... or would I? It pleases God that I am UK Celtic, Scandinavian, and Eastern Europe Semitic, but money always talks and I may have a price.

Oh God, Oh God have mercy on me and on the whole world for our rejection of God and humanity.
What are we to do without the reminders? After all, we are only human and money talks.

Money talks. Do I have a price? What is my price to Blaspheme God and destroy man? How much would I be paid?

Would my name be in the paper, billboards, on the cover of magazines, and praised by many followers? I would be paid much for my picture on the cover of magazines. 

Would my influence pound on the hearts of all those who hear me? They will be happy to follow me. 

Would I enjoy the thrill of minions, subordinates, underlings, my own slaves who follow me? I would feel empowered by their gratitude toward me. 

Would I beat their backs or pull on their chains if they don't agree or keep up with me; better yet, I could slowly take away their ideas, stifle their imaginations, and really just throw them a bone once in a while. After all table scraps are better than no food at all and they will get used to it soon enough. 

Would I laugh all the way to the bank completely careless of the destruction of life behind me? 
I passified, comforted my followers and they had no idea they were slowly being erased...dust.

Surely I would never be so capable of such evil... or would I? The Cross of Jesus reminds me that I am offended by sin, by My Sin. What would I do without Holy Reminders?

Thank God I still cry when Remembering. I still cry for the sake of others. I still cry for the pain of others. I remember and I cry. I hold, kiss the cross...listen to speeches by Holocaust survivors...study the scriptures...try, try, try to hold on to the honor of Creator and humanity.

My teachers told me, 'You don't need college.' 
My church, faith, denomination, people who claimed they loved me told me, 'You don't need college' and 'You need to detach from your family when you get married.'  
My own colleagues are disappointed that I don't scrub their toilets.  

O God, please save me from the luxury of this world's endless wealth of hate, self-loving power, greed, and blood lust vengeance and start the work in me first, lest I forget. Give me a heart and longing to serve rather than be served (3) and to be just a doorkeeper in Your House in heaven (4). 

I will cry. Every time I want revenge and I want to hate...o my I cry Lest I forget to pay the cost of following Jesus.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Maestro Tribute: Playtime with Bach

    When Maestro Cameron Carpenter performs J. S. Bach, everyone can hear the complete joy and happiness through the music. It sounds as though the Maestro is actually a little, giggling child at play full of delight and fun. This is what makes his performances stand out. Not the sights, but only the sounds. I can actually hear the heart of the Maestro and without any visual, I know he is smiling as he plays the organ. 

    It's very rare to experience the work of any artist and experience their fullest joy as they produce their work. Many great painters expressed their sorrows and experiences such as Marc Chagall or Vincent Van Gogh, or the great cellist, Jacqueline du Pre'. I hope I never know the grief and horrors many artists have suffered to produce such brilliant work. I know nothing of Maestro Carpenter, but often wonder and pray for him, and sometimes see him on the internet freely giving his performances. When I hear him play while working on other tasks, I can only hear delight. I am partial to early music and especially J. S. Bach, but when he plays it's carefree and fun. 

Playtime can be very fun when we Honor God and Humanity. The more giving we are the more we are at play in the Father's House, our own souls.

God bless the Genius Givers everywhere. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

O Lord, Where Are You?

Anita, I am with you.

Anita, I am everywhere.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Covid-19 - Just Give Up

Give up?

'Give up' can be defined in a lot of ways so maybe it's worth an examination; maybe we can think in a little more of a positive light.

My first example in the negative sense was as an adolescent, it was so easy for so many to tell me just to accept my weight and simply eat wisely avoiding bread and sweets. What they didn't know is they were simply saying, 'Just give up' on improving my health. Secondly, because teachers and mentors did not see the importance of my desire for college, they told me many times, 'Don't worry, you won't have to worry about college. You can get a good job in the factories.' Thankfully in this negative sense of the phrase, I did not, and by God's grace will not 'Give up' my weight loss and my vision of education.

At present, the senior stage of my life, the need to 'Give up' becomes increasingly urgent in the lives of those who try to honor Creator and humanity. I want to freely give the lift up to encourage every soul I meet. Many simply cannot understand or accept my 'Giving Up' and there are many who will accept the encouragement. Talk is cheap but when encouragement is 'Given Up' with all our hearts, mind, soul, and strength to fully encourage others, we never need a response of any kind. Encouragement becomes the freely given anonymous offering as the bread cast on the waters with no ducks swimming or birdseed thrown at a wedding.

It is a good thing the news media reports the results of evil deeds, but a far greater thing to know that it is enough to Honor God and humanity with kind, free, 'Give Ups.'

During this Covid-19 pandemic, let us do our best to honor Creator and humanity by praying for Holy wisdom and understanding. Pray that God will help our leaders everywhere: local parish, employers, community, state, federal; and yes, especially those persecuted in this world under abusive and dictating governments. Please help me pray for believers in China, North Korea, Soviet Union, and living in other nations who do not reverence our God or humanity.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

TLPHC Sunday School Daniel 9

TLPHC Sunday School Daniel 9

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Tefillin: Strap in. It's a bumpy ride

We tie shoelaces to walk better, use belts to secure our clothing, and suspenders can be a dashing fashion statement. Straps are used to secure and help keep us safe in our cars and the rides in amusement parks. 

Archers during the ancient empires used arm straps to keep their clothing from interfering with their aim. They were on a mission to protect their families, homes and fight for their country as quiet, invisible warriors. These invisible warriors were completely dedicated to their mission. 

Just as the archer's arm straps protected the body, the tefillin straps protect the soul. Tefillin represents submission to the Creator by submitting the arm as the strongest part of the body. Wrapping seven times around the arm God is declared and implored, "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God the Lord is One." 1 followed by seven blessings, "Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who sanctified us with God’s commandments and commanded us regarding the mitzvah of tefillin." 2
The strap is wrapped around the hand and fingers with the prayer, "I betroth you to me forever. I betroth you to me in righteousness, justice, lovingkindness, and mercy. I betroth you to me in faithfulness — and you shall know God."3

While I am not Jewish and not worthy to lay tefillin, I have a profound need to embrace the Hebrew roots of my faith system. I know that if I do not commit to God first every morning for unknown battles ahead, I will fail. I have to commit my entire being at all times as instructed in the Great Commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6.5). If I am completely committed to God's perfect plan, then I will rest knowing that He will direct my aim with His Supreme will. 

Our world is full of uncertainty and offers no hope. If we ask God to be the Supreme Ruler in our lives, He will answer our prayer and order our steps. Our aim will be God's Aim. 

Make sure you strap in for a bumpy ride. 

For more detailed information on laying tefillin please visit these websites used in this draft:

https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/how-to-put-on-tefillin/ https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/272666/jewish/How-to-Put-on-Tefillin.htm

Friday, April 3, 2020

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

Human Rights - The Q Question, Let's Be Civil

I've always had a passion for Chinese culture, especially the various martial arts styles seen in their cinema. I saw how they used every part of their bodies as very lethal weapons even their queue braids. Traditional Chinese faith dictated they could not cut their hair because it represented their family history given to them by their ancestors and eventually the ruling Quin dynasty found it easy to control society by strict laws imposing the queue braids on the general public. 1 I learned how very cruel imposing government can be when laws have too much power over human life and how very necessary man's free moral choices are to the survival of any civilization. 2

Another Chinese 'Q' that always intrigued me was the importance of Qi or Chi. The Qi or Chi represented the vital life energy in all human beings.3 The Qi or Chi taught me that self-discipline is the drive we must have to achieve. What drives me to achieve? What drives me to follow my convictions? I worship God in hopes to honor the Creator in my thoughts, words, and actions; the innermost, secret places of my soul.

When I was little, my Wesleyan church elders preached against sins that were contrary to our belief system. The earliest platforms focused on materials: Women should not wear men's clothes or cut their hair, men should cut their hair, not wear women's clothes; no costly array as jewelry, no makeup, no dancing, no smoking, no drinking fermentation, no card or dice usage that resembles gambling; no television because it brought the sin of the world into the home, and only King James Bibles were allowed. Later the divorce and remarriage issue was the prevailing concern: No divorce or remarriage allowed, if divorced, no remarriage was allowed until the living spouse dies; no living together without legal marriage; of course, no sex outside the marriage but only with one's own married spouse. Our churches had the freedom to believe and trust in the principles taught in our Bible with no threat to ourselves or others. As a local church, we simply chose a common belief in the Bible as a guide to our own church body and home.

We believe in God as an all-wise Creator Artist who allowed many faiths and beliefs in which to believe the Bible. We enjoyed the different denominations who believed very differently than our church; we knew that if everyone believed as we did, God would not be the perfect Artist all Christians can trust. If there were visitors who wanted to remarry, smoke, or dress like another gender, we recommended another church that enjoyed those freedoms and our visitors knew we had a loving friendship with people of other faiths and beliefs. Diversity was thought of as a very sacred gift from God Himself. We firmly believe in the sanctity of individual faith freedom.

In time our churches have tried to survive as Laws were created to accommodate human life choices. Laws have been created to govern how we should dress, content on broadcasting media, what ingredients should be used in our foods and beverages, and regulate the gaming industry. Now I've seen laws that restrict the use of Holy scriptures and prayers in public places and media, and schools now have policies and curriculums unknown or disagreeable to helpless parents who are stripped of any influence in their children's lives.

Recently it has been suggested that laws will penalize places of worship that refuse to comply with laws that are contrary to our faith and with no regard to the worship opportunity in another compliant church in the vicinity. If my family church does not condone same-sex marriages and multi-gender practices, we should be penalized. Why? Why would my local church, my faith group, be dictated and penalized by secular laws when we are not a threat to ourselves or others? Yes, all God's people...all human beings are welcome to visit my place of worship when they honor God and humanity by respecting the local church discipline. 

Why would anyone who loves and honors the Creator and creation demand a following rather than the One True God? Why would they demand any local church to comply with ideas that are not in keeping with that local church? God have mercy on me and the whole world if there is any threat to God's House (places of worship: churches, synagogues, mosques). Why would I demand every woman to only wear dresses? Why would I demand every place of worship to deny their preferred freedoms and embrace my personal convictions? Should I say to every smoker they are going to hell because I don't smoke? Should I enter a non-charismatic church demanding they speak in tongues so I can enjoy their church? Should I visit a united church and demand they preach trinitarian doctrine for my own amusement? As  Apostle Paul said, 'Nay, God forbid may it never be' in Romans 6.1. God forbid I ever impose my own faith convictions on others. God forbid I sin against God and His creation.

Exhausted from constant efforts to fight discrimination with my own preaching and protesting, and now saturated by the imposing and most dreadful opinions of others, I decided to think on my own. My platform, my conviction, my only purpose I want to have in this world:

Nothing matters but Creator and Humanity...Nothing matters but Jesus who took my sins (all creation's sins) away on the cross, rose on the third day, ascended to the right hand of God and pleads for me and all creation.
1. https://agamya.wordpress.com/2014/10/16/chinese-hairstyles-and-foot-binding/
The queue was a specific male hairstyle worn by the Manchu people from central Manchuria and later imposed on the Han Chinese during the Qing dynasty. The hairstyle consisted of the hair on the front of the head being shaved off above the temples every ten days and the rest of the hair braided into a long ponytail.

2. https://www.visiontimes.com/2019/05/05/ancient-chinese-hairstyles-through-the-years.html and http://www.chinaknowledge.de/History/Qing/qing.html
Qing Dynasty 清 (1644-1911) During the time of the Qing Dynasty, the empire passed the “Queue Order,” which mandated that Han Chinese males tonsure the front parts of their head as the Manchu people do. This was imposed violently by the Manchus as they saw it necessary to assert their rule in China. Men sporting full or short hair were also executed since it was seen as treason.

3. http://www.shen-nong.com/eng/principles/qi.html
Qi can be interpreted as the "life energy" or "life force," which flows within us. Sometimes, it is known as the "vital energy" of the body.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Looking for a Shade Tree

The search for enlightenment and truth is often blinding.

If God actually opened my eyes to myself and I saw myself as He sees, what would I see? Because God is holy and cannot tolerate or look at sin, can He see me? Does God want to see me? Could I tolerate the brightness of God's Truth about me?

I actually dread discovering trues others claim to know as they express their opinions. If only there was a shade tree from the blistering light of truth others say they know.

Religious masters seem untouched by evil as they live in a bright state of enlightenment and yet find answers about evil others can't solve.

When I was little, my mother read a Psalm about the captive Israelites who hung their harps on the willow tree because, at a moment's notice, their captors demanded the songs of Zion. Their harps reminded them of their lost nation and freedom because of their sin against God. I spent a lot of time playing under my neighbor's Weeping Willow Tree in hopes God would be with me.

My adult years and a constant stranger in small towns, I always look for the Weeping Willow Tree and I find God.

In loving memory of my Good Roman Catholic Neighbor who always taught God's Truth is not like the world.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Mental Health and Law - My Friend Prudence

When I was little, a favorite classic television show was Perry Mason portraying an idealistic view of a defense attorney. Having no gift in spontaneous speaking and self-defense, I often dreamed of a heavenly angel like him to take on the role of a defense attorney when others would enjoy judging and accusing me.

Thankfully I have very little memory of the accusations and charges, but I remember all too well my  intense panic responses followed by very hard efforts to prove myself trustworthy:

Pre-school, Elementary:
'No. No. Please don't think that. I love you."
'I didn't do it.'
'It wasn't me.'
'I'm so sorry, please let me walk to school with you.''
'I'm so sorry you think that. Please pray for me and I will try to be better.'
'Please, that's not true.'
'Oh no. Why do you think that?'
Finally, the age when I simply gave up:
'It's very sad you think that. Just pray for me.'
'There is nothing I can do about your opinion of me.'
'I cannot meet your needs.'
'I wish you well.' 

A few adult authorities who simply didn't like children, playground and school bus bullies, friends and potential friends who were constantly disappointed in my lack of service, all made me feel totally dirty and annoying. Some were at fault and some suffered from my own lack.

It would be wonderful if a perfect defense attorney named Prudence could appear in a flash and satisfy every plaintiff, but it is not a perfect world, especially, if we defend the Creator and Humanity.

Here are a few helpful truths:
The only worthy control is self control.
There is nothing you can do about the thoughts and actions of others; only your own.
The root of all success is to honor the sanctity of the Creator and humanity. 
Individual accountability to truth is absolutely necessary.