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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Mental Health and Law - My Friend Prudence

When I was little, a favorite classic television show was Perry Mason portraying an idealistic view of a defense attorney. Having no gift in spontaneous speaking and self-defense, I often dreamed of a heavenly angel like him to take on the role of a defense attorney when others would enjoy judging and accusing me.

Thankfully I have very little memory of the accusations and charges, but I remember all too well my  intense panic responses followed by very hard efforts to prove myself trustworthy:

Pre-school, Elementary:
'No. No. Please don't think that. I love you."
'I didn't do it.'
'It wasn't me.'
'I'm so sorry, please let me walk to school with you.''
'I'm so sorry you think that. Please pray for me and I will try to be better.'
'Please, that's not true.'
'Oh no. Why do you think that?'
Finally, the age when I simply gave up:
'It's very sad you think that. Just pray for me.'
'There is nothing I can do about your opinion of me.'
'I cannot meet your needs.'
'I wish you well.' 

A few adult authorities who simply didn't like children, playground and school bus bullies, friends and potential friends who were constantly disappointed in my lack of service, all made me feel totally dirty and annoying. Some were at fault and some suffered from my own lack.

It would be wonderful if a perfect defense attorney named Prudence could appear in a flash and satisfy every plaintiff, but it is not a perfect world, especially, if we defend the Creator and Humanity.

Here are a few helpful truths:
The only worthy control is self control.
There is nothing you can do about the thoughts and actions of others; only your own.
The root of all success is to honor the sanctity of the Creator and humanity. 
Individual accountability to truth is absolutely necessary.