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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Humanity - KPop Idols and the Fat, Old, White Lady on a Bicycle

I ride my bike happily and very heartily while pushing and pulling 225 pounds up and down hills for ten miles. I find it is very worth the effort and time because in my ear there are very dashing, persuading, young men telling me I can do this, I love to do this, I look great doing this, and yes, I am doing a very good job. 

  • TOP from Big Bang just screams, 'Fantastic Baby' and 'Turn it Up Loud'
  • G Dragon from Big Bang cries, 'Shake the World'
  • Sungrei reminds me how great I am, 'Hi Sexy'
  • Topp Dogg allows me the same status, 'Topp Dogg'
  • Junsu Xia says, 'move that body, rock the world'
  • Taeyang and G Dragon tells me, 'I am a good boy (girl)'
  • Junsu Xia pushes me on my bike with Tarantallegra...
  • Block B again I'm reminded how very good I am
  • Ikon keeps my pedaling in good Rhythm Ta
  • G Dragon says that I am One of a Kind
  • Taeyang, one of my faves, tells me to just do it, 'it's my party...if I want to'
  • BAP fervently convinces me, 'we are young, wild, and free'
Yes, there are more...these are just a few I have purchased for my player. I like to think of this time as my time to enjoy great, tremendous vocals. The Korean Wave-Hallyu, has given me superb quality music as I enjoyed in the 1960's. 

I thank God for the modesty and dignity of Kpop artists and their much needed and very appreciated assistance with a totally impossible task. 

Study - You, Your Education is More Precious than Gold - Survive as an Outsider

Education is a place, time, period, and world that is a sifting ground for the soul. It is hard on every aspect of the human soul.

Education is a place of growth and self awareness in a place very foreign. The education place can be both conducive and cruel, causing a feeling of awkward while revealing the dreaded truth that a hard lesson must be learned immediately. It is urgent that the soul allows this experience/feeling to wash over them, and step toward a new level of self discovery; like turning a dirty door knob to enter heaven and very worth the hard experience.

The time of life when a student is learning can be critical. Very young, average age, or older than traditional, can always help in the learning process. The student's world view and observations always help define the subject at hand. Always give thanks for God's gift of your age as a student; you are not in class by accident, because, God knows your input is necessary for others to learn.

World events can help shape your professional life. Your need to help others will be all the more stimulated because you are in classes 'at such a time as this.' Always allow the world events to help shape your profession and make you a far greater servant to humanity. Do not be distracted by the evil in the world, but use the events to help you learn to serve and protect life.

Never allow yourself to be distracted by social pressure or other matters not directly associated with your schooling. Stay totally focused on your mission to improve your service to humanity/life. You may loose friends and possessions, but you must never lose your confidence to become the extraordinary professional tried by the fires of learning, and the world will need the most.

You can do this, because you are reading this...taking time to learn.

Humanity - Move to Another Table: A Plea for Courage

It's always comfortable sitting at the same table with people who are like-minded: from the same culture, church, neighborhood, and even share the same appearance.

I know well what it feels like to walk in a restaurant and everyone stops talking/eating and stares at me; it's very uncomfortable. I hope and pray I never find out how it feels for people to relocate to a different table or leave their food. I've seen this recently and I cry for those who are despised. I want to hug them, pray for God's blessings upon them, try to bless them through light, fun chatter. Please God, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Wash away the hate in human life and help us love as You so perfectly love.

Here are some suggestions to help people who may suffer from hate:

  1. Pray first asking God, 'Lord, what would you have me to do to bless these people; what can I do?' Whatever you feel in your heart/mind to do, just may be what they need. 
  2. If possible, move to a table near them, smile, and just light chatter such as: 'Hi. Nice weather we are having and I am so glad I'm not cooking or cleaning today.' A light chat with a stranger is common in many cultures. 
  3. Try a random act of kindness, such as paying for their meal or drink if they agree; please don't insult through reverse discrimination. Carefully, quietly, ask the waitress (while giving her an extra tip) to give you their ticket, and pay for their meal anonymously. 
Nothing is more sacred than genuine, human kindness defined by Our Lord Jesus, "Love one another as I have loved you."

How would it make you feel?