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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh - But Flowers Died

When the Maji presented Our Lord Jesus with gold, frankincense, and myrrh, these gifts were prophetic of Lord Jesus' majesty through the gold, divinity through the frankincense, and His death by the myrrh. Our faith hinges not only by Jesus' birth but His death and resurrection. Our worship centered entirely around our Lord Jesus and the faith in His eternal love and care for us. We knew that we were a part of the body of Christ; our worship reflected the glory of Our Lord Jesus.

We celebrated Our Lord Jesus in our churches and tried to teach Jesus to our babies in Nursery Sunday School Roll. Our Babies were like fresh, beautiful flowers every Sunday morning. Created in God's own image, they saw and heard the gradual departure from the Holy Presence of God and the constant presence of business structures, programs, clubs, special music, and impressive electronic productions and fanfare. Eventually, the babies grew up in our worship places watching the very things Apostle Paul spoke against in his letters. Envy, strife, dissensions, arrogance, greed, and eventually open hostility and the babies never saw repentance and healing in God's house. They never saw anyone turn back to the holy way of Jesus.

The Holy Presence left the worship and took the holy spirit of gold, frankincense, and myrrh until no one had reverence for the Holy Presence, the holy people, and even holy property. The children grew and longed for the day when they could finally be free to leave the holy place of worship. When our worship lost the Holy Presence it became a secular gathering full of resentful tension and brutal political competition.

Now we have stunning buildings and property with empty nurseries and empty Sunday school rooms where babies and children once sang, colored Bible pictures, and learned Bible stories. We have very pretty Christmas decorations and happy music more than sufficient without the children's pageant.

Now we seniors sit in our claimed pew-spot and wonder why the seats are empty. We turn from the grief and enjoy the pretty sights and sounds.

Where have all the flowers gone long time passing? 1

Isn't it long past time to pray and ask Lord Jesus to reclaim His rulership in our worship?

Isn't it long past time to reverence and honor Creator and humanity with fear and trembling?

It is so very simple...just turn back to Jesus.

1 https://folkways.si.edu/pete-seeger-collection/where-have-all-the-flowers-gone