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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Study - Work Visa, Green Card, Work Abroad

Christian Trinitarian tradition teaches that God uses people to do His good work. Every word, deed, attitude must be inspired and engineered by God and good people obey His direction. Christians are not to take any praise or glory but totally acknowledge God's supreme work.

I love how Watchman Nee explains this idea in his book Changed into His Likeness, chapter 6: 
"The source is everything because it is the source that gets the credit. What I do, I get credit for; after all, it is I who did it! So after a piece of service, however fruitful, the ultimate question is not, 'What are the results? But, 'Lord, who has done this?-You or I? No matter how expertly we may do it, we shall invite not praise but rebuke from God. Purity or otherwise in our work depends on how much of God and how much of ourselves there is in it. If we are truly God's servants we know perfectly well that we get no peace or joy from what we have done by striving. When He quietly puts us aside, we praise Him because what has been done is something we have had no part in. The origin was God Himself.I am afraid this is not a popular thing to speak of. Preach to stir men to more evangelizing, more activity, more sacrifice, and they will listen and agree. But talk about the worthlessness of our work for God, even when it is not sinfully but well done, and we meet disapproval and misunderstanding. Yet this is the central point in service. Whether we can bring in Christ to be God's vessel of recovery depends on whether we can get out of the way to make room for Him. Nothing good work, service, preaching the Word, even doing His will -can satisfy His heart if we are the source of it. Only what He does in us and through us can satisfy Him.We watch a child making models out of mud. He may have real imagination and produce some quite recognizable models, but we say, 'They are nothing but mud. It is only childish play.' Yet the difference between that child and ourselves is very trifling compared with the difference between ourselves and God. He is God. We are men. He uses us-and rejoices to use us-as His instruments, but that is all. He uses us." 1
My faith dictates that God leads us to freely demonstrate the fruit of the Holy Spirit as listed in Galatians: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, faith, meekness, self-control, and later in Philippians, we are told the greatest quality is love.

So why do we evangelize, go preach overseas, or labor in a social gospel project? Sadly, those who want to encourage me have said, 'It's a good way to travel and see the world,' or 'They are far more receptive to our preaching than here in my church,' or 'They are ignorant savages who need what we have to offer/our education,' even 'We need to go to them and teach them so they can teach their own people.' I grieve for these mentors so terribly bathed in their ignorance and self-glory. This individual will be a gross imposition on their host country. God have mercy.

If I am so blessed to learn abroad, I must ask myself, 'Who invited who?' I must ask myself, 'Am I really worthy to sit at the feet of my host and learn from them?' I must ask myself, 'Am I really worthy to enter their most sacred home, eating my fill of their most arduous labor?' Would I so freely give them the same hospitality in my home, or opportunity to preach in my church, without wasteful intellectual analytics?

Here are a few tips if you may plan to work overseas:

-         Pray...Pray...Pray asking for God's perfect will for you. Be prepared and submit to His possible 'no.'
-         God must be the author. God will provide you the right attitude and respect for your host. God will always protect you, provide you with His Holy attitude and joy to appreciate the differences in another culture. You will really love the sights and sounds of the host culture. 
-         You are a guest in another country. Humbly and respectfully submit to your host. Follow their instructions fully. You will not enjoy the rights and privileges of your own home but will be an outsider in another's home. You do not have rights as a foreigner.
-         You do not come from a 'better life/culture/or way' than they do. Honor and respect with the fullest gratitude their willingness to have you visit them. They have a different way of life than you...but never, never less valuable than you. Urgently ask God to help you totally respect their different way of life.
-         Act and especially React in a respectful way when you enter their world. How would you want to be treated by your guest? Never criticize or disapprove of their way of life; especially what you see with the natural vision such as clothing, foods, etc. Humbly be very thankful for their great generosity and Pray urgently for the heart and senses of Christ. Remember, God gives wisdom and love freely; just ask Him.

I recommend viewing a film, 'At Play in the Fields of the Lord.'2 If every minister or public service personnel would view this, it just may put an end to world hate.

As my Christian family would say and believe, 'the flesh will always destroy; make sure you are serving in the Holy Spirit.' God has to be the One who did the work.

Here are a few avoidance indicators:

-         If you use a @Clorox product daily, you may want to avoid a third world country. Generally, there is no sanitation or disinfectants readily available, and any water used to wash will probably be contaminated.
-         If you have an allergy to or prefer Kosher, to various fish, avoid fish ports. Asia, Mediterranean, Antarctic countries, etc are known for their fishing industry especially the sea urchins of the mud flats. Sushi, Turtles, Squid, and other raw dishes are not only a common staple but a delicacy the locals will take pride in serving. Be very careful not to offend, but willing and happy to try and enjoy any fish or foods served to you. The same principle is applied to any indigenous foods.
-         The heat in the southern countries can be brutal. Make sure you like humidity and hot climates. The same principle applies to the northern countries and snow culture.

Now the preliminary process regarding the divine call of God on our lives:

-         First, the call process will begin with simple interest. Is there a job, people, language, particular culture that you have always enjoyed learning about? Did you see an issue or program on the @National Geographic magazine, which images kept your attention? Think about the costumes, landscape, climate, history, etc, and which culture has kept your interest? Perhaps you asked yourself, 'I wish I could work with those people doing a job like that.' Or, even a particular language you would love to learn.
-         The interest develops into more learning. You may find yourself watching more travel or geographic television channels, reading about the political climate or latest business activity of a country, even watching/listening to a broadcast in their language.
-         The interest will develop in a passion. You begin to enjoy reading more and using serious research tools at an academic library to learn about a country more in depth on your own time and just for your own personal interest. You may have a collection of artifacts of a given culture in your home, a postage stamp collection from a given country, or listen to a playlist of recordings from a particular country. You may even dream or become preoccupied with this culture.
-         God may call you to serve from your home through financially supporting a missionary, or adopting a child through a reputable ministerial organization, or perhaps going with a short-term mission group to help in a specific work, or even volunteering in an international support group in your hometown. 
-         You are never alone when responding to a divine call on your life. If you are married and family of your own, each member will have the same desire without your influence or suggestion. God gives each individual the call Himself. If we try to help God, we will destroy. If your spouse and children are not in agreement, the specific call may not be of God. Never demand obedience. Trust and humbly submit to God in prayer. Ask your family to help you pray for God's will by sharing your interest and burden. You cannot demand others to do what God has lead you to do. Most importantly, you cannot abandon the work God has given you in your family unit: husband, wife, child.  You cannot abandon the work God has provided through employment. You must be the witness and example of God in your family and workplace. Your home, work, and worship are people groups God has led you to serve; they are your calling.

Remember the basic commandments of our Lord Jesus from Deuteronomy and again in the Gospels: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, strength; love one another as I love you. You must love the Great Shepherd, Our Lord Jesus, first and more than work, spiritual calling, family, or yourself.

I like praying: Lord grant me the eyes, ears, and heart of Jesus so I may see as Jesus sees, hear as Jesus hears, and love as Jesus loves. In Jesus Name, to the Glory of God alone, Jesus help me. Amen, so be it.
Have you packed your suitcase?

1 Nee, Watchman. Changed into His Likeness. Burlington, Ont: Welch, 1986. Chapter 6.

2 Babenco, Hector, Saul Zaentz, Jean-Claude Carrière, Tom Berenger, John Lithgow, Daryl Hannah, and Peter Matthiessen. At play in the fields of the Lord. 1991.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Humanity - Oliver Cromwell and K-Pop - To dance and eat with chopsticks.

Why would an American, Wesleyan Holiness, old, white lady be such a fan of Asian entertainment?

Not only did the Protestant Reformation give birth to religious freedom as well as contribute to mass immigration to the Americas, but also Oliver Cromwell's English faith and politics[1] had an influence on our Wesleyan separatist ideals involving emphatic modest dress and manner stipulations: no public entertainment, no mixed bathing at the beach, and any dancing was permitted in gender-segregated physical education class or the YM/YWCA. Holiness people were a minority in a high church culture.

Naturally custom dictated that my choice of entertainment was carefully monitored by my parents and later college administration, including my records, popular magazines, radio selections, and celebrity posters on my bedroom wall.

When Ravi Shankar tried to teach, the Beetle George Harrison how to play Indian traditional music in the 1960's and the Indian Sitar, [2]it was Shankar and not the Beatles who had my attention. Now today, when attending India Night on the college campus, oh yes, it is the one time I will dance in public.

Chinese traditional opera and males singing female roles[3] always had my attention when watching Educational Television. Their costumes, makeup, martial arts, and vocals were totally mesmerizing especially when we had no makeup and martial arts classes were too far away.

The Korean Pop male groups remind me of the male vocal groups of the 1960's with modest and neat costumes, lyrics, and dances, that speak only of the joy and sorrows of life, love, and music. Korean dramas generally have clean subtitles and absent of skin-ship or revealing skin. Korean entertainment totally has my vote; especially when the plots are so familiar.[4] Today, the internet allows me a playlist of favorite groups and songs that help me smile, cry, and move. Like the big burst of fun found in "Chewing Gum."[5]

God will bless performers who are so selfless and giving.

After all, God smiles when I dance at India Night and eat with chopsticks. 

[2] https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/dec/12/ravi-shankar-beatles-rock
[3] http://www.illuminatedlantern.com/cinema/archives/a_short_history_of_chinese_opera.php
[4] http://seaa.americananthro.org/2014/07/the-korean-wave-hallyu/
[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSfEn2rBF44

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Humanity - You are God's Valuable Kept in a Safe

This world constantly demands power, strength, and brute force to survive; kill or be killed. Such is the simple mind, the easy path. 

The Benevolent Creator has made humanity to love and serve Him in a loving relationship. As an all loving and all wise God, He wants to give us the strength for the day, the tools for the task at hand. This is why God holds our individual souls very carefully in His hands as we would hold a very fragile and delicate china cup of tea. When we are afraid we ask for His help and He hears and helps us.

How does God see us?
As vulnerable as the head of a glass china doll
As delicate as the lace on an infants christening gown or wedding gown
As fragile as a beautiful china cup we carefully hold between our fingers
As totally helpless as a newborn baby
How does God help us?
God hides us as a mother hides her young out of sight of the enemy
God fights the battle for us
God always wins to protect His valuables...Us. 
Why are we Greedy?

Why do we Hate?