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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Human Rights - Hangman - Child's Play

I remember playing hangman in elementary school. While teachers desperately tried to teach practical skills and basic math, no one imagined hangman as a tool of evil; after all I was born and grew up among good, holy, and integrated Northeast USA.

But people who killed others by hanging were not in the news and we just didn't know and were not taught that true evil existed.

Now, 40 years later, I know.

My problem is why people, who shouted Jesus on Sunday, hated people after church. We left church...we left Jesus. We depended, trusted in a Holy God and shouted, laughed and cried at God's holy altar and then we got up from the altar and left the church and went home. In the afternoon, someone was hung in the woods because they cried for mutual respect and simple common courtesy. Some one's body was found hanging from a tree in the woods...the same story from the beginnings of sin.

Jesus wasn't there.

I want to think our Good God was embracing and comforting the one on the rope.

I want to imagine the innocent victim of hate was the one person who was loved and grieved by a loving God.

I want to believe that the innocent victim of hate is the most blessed by God's Holy wisdom and maturity only found in Paradise.

Two thousand years of learning, discovering, and God's most Holy Presence, yet we are still tiny little children with simple minds playing hangman.

The rope, the noose, the child's learning...when will we grow up? When will we learn to think deeper?

I want to think God is perfect love who loves us despite our selfish, simple thinking, and if we cry Abba Father, He will forgive us and help us grow in Him and with each other.

I want to believe God sent Our Lord Jesus to help us overcome the evil of this world and freely give us the knowledge and wisdom to depend on God alone; we can actually become the child of God He intended for us.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Human Rights - Picket, Protest, Preach - What can I do?

I wish I had been born earlier so I could have marched with Martin Luther King and shout, sing, cry for world human rights. Now at my age, I wonder if there are any worthy causes to fight against. I wonder if my protest would only make the opponent stronger and undermine my effort.

I wish I could kneel and pray in the street to show the need for God as Supreme Ruler in our precious country and world. A holy man set himself on fire, his picture in all the magazines and someone made a lot of money.

I wish I could carry a tune and sing in a microphone songs begging for reverence for a Holy God and His creation. We got a bit carried away at Woodstock.

I wish I could use my fingers to play heart wrenching familiar music on my instruments and remind the audience of their responsibility toward others. Gospel music is big business.

Perhaps a sign with a clear message to honor the Creator and humanity. Billboards are everywhere.

Perhaps a drama to demonstrate the need for prayer for our political leaders that would shake the hearts of the hearers. Passion plays are big tourist attractions and no one likes the leader.

Maybe a creative, clever costume and stage paint to try to state the need for human compassion for all. Sacred temples forgot All Saints Day and converted Halloween to Fall Fest.

I can always write my political representatives clearly stating my sorrow for our country and world. I wonder.

Then I remember that the story has been done. All the methods have been used. People have not reacted to any gimmick for two thousand years.

So, for now, though tired of the unknown hope for change, the highest respect, compassion, encouragement, and blessings are always freely given.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Study - An Answer to All Our Problems - Good Bargain

When lost in study, don't be afraid to stop and physically step away. Pack up your gear and physically walk to a quiet place with no distraction and emotionally 'go home' and pray.

The Prayer Place is home to the soul and totally free of cost or consequence. No one can tell you that you can't go home. No one has the right or authority to tell you you can't go home. If you can't find your Prayer Place, consult the campus chaplain, religion teacher, campus safety to advise a place where you can seek God quietly. Write to God in a journal, draw in a sketchbook, or read your Holy Scriptures in a secluded, quiet place to prepare for time with Him. 
  • campus chapel - usually pilgrims who hunger for Truth are always welcome regardless of personal persuasion
  • garden
  • restaurant - back booth or table. Purchase a cup of coffee or tea as courtesy.
  • art gallery
  • empty classroom, auditorium, foyer 
  • even the eatery at the local grocery/department store. Sometimes white noise can be the best private partition.
 Too often we are all consumed with the tyranny of the urgent and find ourselves confused and lost as though bound in a dark pit. This is the time to physically walk, release your body and mind from the stress of the unknown and then in your Prayer Place just simply pray. 
  • Spend quality time with Creator and tell Him you love Him
  • Thank Creator for His perfect mercy and generous gifts on you (study, family, possessions, health, friends)
  • Tell Creator how you are feeling
The same Creator that called Abraham a friend is our own Creator who calls us friends. He really wants quality time with us and He gives Himself freely.

When you are done speaking to Creator, spend time to think on Him silently and still just to honor Him and love His Presence. 

Now go back to study and start fresh from the beginning.  

The Answer is free; a very good bargain.