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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Government - Dear Mr. President - It's Easy

God has allowed you to sit as Commander in Chief of our precious country. Please be encouraged and know there are people who honor God and human life and they will pray for your strength and wisdom.

God will bless you with His strength to endure and ignore critics who are not from God. God will bless you with His wisdom to speak, act, conduct, as you approach critics, international leaders, and especially our own leaders.

God bless you now with a fresh Holy Anointing to go forward full of the Holy Spirit and do all God would have you accomplish.

The Lord will always hear the cry of His people who call on Him, therefore, please give no thought to social media numbers, but stay focused on God.

I am a no one who just prays.

Humanity - After Freedom Comes

Every privilege demands responsibility.

Every sin has a consequence. 

Jesus was our first privilege. God the Son came to this world because of His perfect love for the world. We as Jews and Gentiles were privileged to be called His family and children of God. Sadly, we loved Sin more than the Truth of God.

Did we think that the inhuman treatment of life would be fun forever? Did we think there would be no consequence to the abuse of the outcast, disenfranchised, and betrayed immigrants? 
We hated people who did not agree with us
Our greed caused women, children, and disabled to slave for less wages
We hated people who dressed differently, looked and spoke differently 
The result is now there are no fathers and mothers at home caring for their own children, people groups are marginalized to the point they demand a justice they may never know, and our children are too afraid to go to school and can't trust their own parents or authority...

Social networking, news, gossip, and any other false news spoonfeed, and people will not work to seek the Truth of God in all matters.

No one cares about Truth
a little boy hung himself on his bunk bed because he was afraid to go to school
a girl helped her boyfriend commit suicide
an American student, for no real reason, was tortured in North Korea; why didn't someone love him enough to teach him, warn him, prepare him for the trip? 
a mother killed her own children
a man abuses children
a man brutally kills a young girl with a baseball bat
a little boy brutally kills younger little boy with a baseball bat 
a poor soldier who is confused, afraid and runs to the enemy
the public who will not pray for our President and country leaders
the constant abuse of authority to abuse and kill the weak
the little child terrorist
the little child shield
the little children born for the food stamps
The very guilty blessed society.
No one cares about Life...

No one cares about Sacred...
and people are left hungry for justice and not God.
God have mercy on us for killing our most sacred freedom: Each Other.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

God - Removing Crosses: What Did Jesus Ever Do to You?

I watch governments over the world removing crosses and religious symbols while worshippers sing hymns and weep. These are countries who do not want religious influences and are not concerned about human dignity through individual freedom. Perhaps they are ruled by communistic, militant dictator, socialist, or even totalitarian.

Born in the USA and of Protestant Wesleyan thought, religious freedom for all humanity was a most sacred tenant and demonstrated through tolerance and respect for cultural diversity. Our belief system was both our faith, a way of life, and security. Even though we were sectarian, we enjoyed the differences of the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish, Presbyterian, and Lutherans, and quite happy with idea that God is a great artist.

Today, I can't understand why 'different' is an offense and proselytizing has become the weapon of choice to coerce others. As an American Protestant, I have an obligation to show and demonstrate what religious freedom is and what it is not.

Your religious persuasion is your business; please respect mine
In your home, place of worship, in public with like-minded friends, practice your faith freely; please allow me to do the same
Your symbols are considered sacred; please respect my symbols
Be kind and do no harm to others

Jesus tells us we are to love as He loved us and we are to consider others as ourselves. Whatsoever you would they do to you, do to them.

No education required or special knowledge to understand; it is a simple Gospel.

What did Jesus ever do to you?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Humanity - Emancipation - We Didn't Know?

In my faith, God the Son, My Lord Jesus, came, died, rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. Lord Jesus lives forever to intercede for me if I sin. Jesus' work should have been enough to set us free from evil chains of slavery, but God saw we chose to stay in bondage and hate our fellow man; we massacred the innocent, exploited the weak for our own selfish pleasure. The very people so blessed with food, roof, and clothing, yet continue to embrace the madness of hate; they have lost their simplest ability to reason. 

For two thousand years God sent countless preachers, reformers, martyrs, or soldiers to fight for the good news of freedom from evil, but we still stayed in our bondage. We hear, 'I've suffered more than you so I deserve more than you,' or 'prove yourself to me, maybe you will be accepted,' or, 'You owe me.'

When people from other countries were betrayed by their own people, why didn't we as Christians have compassion on our neighbor and help them start a new life more abundantly just as we expect from Jesus? We were supposed to save them from evil, but instead Christians owned them...owned...enslaved...used. Evil says, 'What is yours is mine and I will take it because I want and deserve it more than you.' 

In my life, I've seen groups like Panthers, Ku Klux Klan, militia groups, Nazis, Black Lives, fundamental polygamists, etc., all worship under a precious Cross of Jesus, yet demand higher level of life than their neighbor...human life. Groups like these do not know the One True God and do not reverence human life. Hate groups are so consumed with their insanity, they rush to tear down public monuments that preach co-exist and peace.  

Injustice and evil are always with us until Blessed Messiah comes to finally heal the earth; the big question is, 'What do we do in the meantime?' 

Jesus taught us that our neighbor is anyone...everyone. Jesus loved the whole world and gave Himself freely, why don't we? 

Why did we do that to noble Native Americans?
Why did we do that to underprivileged, abused immigrants?
Why did we do that to poor widows and children we forced to work in our factories? 
Why did we do that to the African who was betrayed by their own?
Why do we do it?

Monday, June 12, 2017

Obesity - Pretty Lady Inmate Who Didn't Pray

I dream and even pray to be pretty, desirable and cherished. I want a world that is safe, trusting, where loving people are part of my community. Where children know where their parents are at all times and feel secure knowing they are needed and wanted. Parents love their children and care for their needs. The world where God is honored and human life respected.

Then I wake up from my dream and see the real me, a fat, old, white lady with a black mustache and gray eyebrows. There are times I forget the mirror and eat freely like others eat at the restaurant, only to suffer the weighted consequences. I push myself as I walk, get out of the chair, and obsess over low carb/sodium foods I can eat. I trudge through what feels like mud and slime when I try to walk and constantly wipe sweat from my face hoping I'm not offensive.

My body fat reminds me of the unjust and un-welcomed evil the world imposes. Hideous imposition constantly telling me, 'There is no use fighting, just hate like everyone else.' Hate in this world through such horrid reteric, 'My race is more worthy, my people is more important, my faith is right.' Like an unwelcomed suffocating prison of the fats and gore, we have violated the most Sacred of gifts: One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

Why didn't we pray, Honor God and Human Life?

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Humanity - Destruction of Innocence - Hate

In my faith, there are three cardinal sins: lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and pride of life. All three open doors to all selfish activity which leads to hate, yet never satisfies. I say hate is a result of sin in one's personal life. It's an easy thing to run with hate toward our fellow man and actually enjoy the process of degrading another life.

Lust of the flesh is an unholy desire of the physical or what we do such as food, drink, chemicals, body manipulation, or sex.  The supreme goal is what feels good to the individual without regard to consequence to self or others.

Lust of the eyes involves greed or what we want to have and desire of the unearned and what one has no right to own. Stealing, cheating, embezzlement, paying unjust wages, swindling.

And the pride of life or what we may want to be such as personal advancement at the expense of others or imitate another lifestyle without counting the cost, or selfish need for vengeance. A lot of people tend to fall in extreme debt through the pride of life by trying to compete with their associates.

When we rush to hate without taking the time to research, seek truth with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, we invite sin into our lives. We read of small children taking their own lives because their world has become too hard, people killing others of another race/religion, or adult men taking little girls as brides, or children give their lives to hate groups who want to kill, mothers who kill their own children, rapist, murder, bombing, arson,...the list is endless and all the crueler.

I say just as sin is so easy, the holy life is easy. Our Creator loves us, desires His best for us in every matter and will not allow us to suffer more that we can manage. God is our perfect loving Creator.

Yes, the Ruler of the Universe is the Creator and Loves Us. His Love Endures Forever.

We can love one another. It's just that easy.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Humanity - Seek Truth and Co-Exist

Siblings often argue who is more important, who does Daddy love more, and over property/boundary rights.

I have faith this is not the case with Peaceful children of Abraham, but those who do not fear God. Yes, if we honor God and life, Christian, Jewish, and Muslims can co-exist. The One True God created human beings to have a care for creation and love, cherish their families. A godly man would never cause harm or abuse his wife and children. 

People who seek to harm are those who do not honor God. People who hurt, abuse, rape their children and spouse, are not faithful children of Abraham. The Holy Bible, Torah, and Quran all strongly condemn the selfish use of children and abuse of human life. The Holy Creator has called His creation good; human life is as holy to God as God should be to us, His children. God expects us to cherish and love each other as He loves His creation. 

So when we see inhumane video clippings and images, it is from the devil's own hand to cause hate. We as faithful to God must seek the Truth in all matters. We have to ask, seek and knock fervently for Truth as Our Lord Jesus commanded. Pray and ask our Creator to teach us Truth in all things, especially regarding disturbing images. Go to the nearest university library and ask the help of a professional librarian, ask vital questions: who, what, where, when and why.  Christianity, Judaism, and Muslim all have their own best sources for answers to those who seek Truth...seek Peace.

What child of God wants to see his precious baby touched by another man?
What child of God would ever take the life of his brother who is Christian, Hebrew, or Muslim?
What child of God would ever hurt others?
