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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Microaggression - Can we talk?

I used to think education producing understanding was the key to world peace. Now I think communication is a little more critical. In my simple mind, I wonder, 'Why not?'

Why can't two people who respect God and human life share ideas without demanding power over others? Is it possible for two people to just talk without causing a world war?

Anita, do you accept the LGBTQ agenda? If you don't, then you can't accept me.
Anita, do you think all white people are sinners? White people made slaves out of black people.
Anita, who did you vote for? You probably voted for...
Anita, welcome to the neighborhood. If you want to stay, the certain lives better like you. 
Anita, your president, not mine, has ruined our country.
Anita, I want to be your supervisor because you need my influence.
Anita, just sit right here and you can work for me because I'm older.  
Anita, you don't need an education, you can always get a job as a housekeeper. 
Anita, you don't need education, your people are better working in the factories.
Anita, I sanction that. 
 Anita, you don't know...
 Now, at this fat-old-white-lady stage in my life, I really don't think I have the energy to try. I suppose with the new 'Microaggression-Certain lives matter and I don't-English,' I can't speak Beuwolf anymore.

God, Oh God have mercy on me and on the whole world.

Jesus will help me and Jesus will save me; after all, certain lives have told me I'm first in line to be forgiven. Thank God I'm only Human.