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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Human Rights - Civil Rights and Human Rights: Questioned

Our human, civil, personal, and any rights we may demand may not always be possible.

Did we who follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, forget that we all share an equal place in the Creator's universe and plan?

Did we who follow the Lord Jesus forget that we took up the cross to follow Him? As believers in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, how did we easily forget that the cross means we may not always enjoy the delights of this world because we simply don't belong. Jesus said we must leave and forsake all to follow Him which means we cannot take for ourselves the power and glory that belongs only to Jesus.

We forgot the power of prayer and what God will do if we trust and obey Him when unbelievers who do not trust and obey God, destroy human life. We as believers in the One True God are supposed to pray...just pray for the good of others. This is far easier to speak of or think of when we are not hurt or living a good life, but when we are disenfranchised, abused by the wicked, we are supposed to trust in God and love our enemies by praying for their deliverance from evil. If we, as believers, do not pray for the wicked, we will be guilty of their sin and ultimately the blood of their souls stained on our hands when we stand before the Holy Judgment.

We poor believers in God have forgotten the very basics of our faith: God has made us all and He made us good.

Why the greed?
Why the hate?