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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Obesity - Year of the Ox - The Big Bull Connection

The stars were aligned just right during my birth and I am double trouble: Taurus the Bull and the Year of the Ox, and yes, my DNA reveals I am very Celtic/Scandinavian/East European. It is a fine idea that this may explain the obesity issue, but still a weak defense. It would be a fine idea that would guarantee a righteous, holy character, but again, a weak defense.

There is no place for astrology in my Judao Christian faith; in fact, we reject all supernatural seniority in our lives except the Holy Trinity. I have to believe and desire that God is all-sufficient and the supreme authority.

God is fully aware of my weight, especially when I ask for weight loss daily. While the Ox is quite intriguing and flattering, I'd much rather trust in the Creator. God knows the what, where, when, and why I was born and I can't wait to ask Him all the details.

After all, we are all part of His Holy Universe when we connect the dots.

Humanity - Snap Shot - Memory

Tim was an upperclassman in college who was known to have had photographic memory, and given the job of recording lectures and producing study guides for exam week. I remember Tim as a large person who could have easily played football, and yet he had an attractive quiet nature.

I've thought about Tim a lot since college years and wondered how dreadful his responsibility must have been. I dream of learning without the sweat, tears, and stress, but wonder if instant learning and small snap-shot images become lasting lessons not found in life experiences. My simple learning requires a lot of digging, reading, and analytical comparisons in open, stacked books on the desk. I tend to use a lot of time trying to find the right source and too much time trying to memorize.

Learning for me is the hard way of life experiences.
What did I do to someone else?
How did I feel or how did they feel?
What happened to me or the other person?
Did I hurt? Did I hurt someone else?
Oh, Oh, God forgive me is a constant prayer. 

There are many times I try to cope with the small snap shots that have proven more crippling than healing.
That small, little snap shot found in the corner of a shoe box rather than presented in the good photo album. 
The little snap shot bent, molded, discolored, and frayed. 
The little snap shot I really want to discard, but can't. 
The forgotten snap shot that reveals the truth about me. 
The one snap shot I wish had never existed.
The memory of the event I wish had never happened. 

Submitted in ignorance and with all respect to the professionally diagnosed.

Friday, January 12, 2018

God - Too Hard - Trying to Forget - Run for your life

I remember our soldiers returning from Vietnam and many were so terribly dead in spirit that they turned to underground smoking/drug rooms just to forget the horrors even for a few moments.

Too often it would be wonderful to just disappear, forget, and just stop everything. Then I feel terribly guilty for thinking such things. Yes, I am unworthy to think such thoughts; I have not earned the right to wish for escape such as our noble selfless military.

To wish an end is to deny others the message God may have for them. Every encounter, every chance meeting, every smile is a message to someone to live, to survive, to carry on. Who am I to say no to life?

I see too much that causes pain.
rejection from loved ones, associates.
constant rejection of the One True God and humanity
constant grueling sacrifice only to suffer poverty
constant fight for a morsel of privilege for nothing
constant effort and struggle for nothing
Why do we try? Why do we live? Why do we bother?
Then I remember the reason: I wake up in the morning because God said so. 

God said so.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Human Rights - The Mighty Fall - Idol Dangers

When we place more demands on others than we are capable, we premeditate their murder. Too often we push, demand, and expect others to fill our desires and put them on a high pedestal. Sadly no one is capable of living on the pin point position where we place them and they fall to their deaths with no one to care.

I want to beg, plead, implore...please do not take your life and others' so cheaply. Consider your life a very sacred part of the Creator's joy and plan to bless others. If you cannot see the good results of your efforts, just simply live and breathe as you encourage others. Remember, the goodness we want to freely give others is certainly the very air we breathe; we are the goodness.

Living is just that simple.