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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Humanity - When the Chips are Counted, When the Cards are on the Table, We Are Just Children

The Blessed Creator has allowed us to learn as a part of life. Education and learning occur as the air we breathe in our lives. We all learn unique lessons in varied times and methods.

We always reveal our true selves in times of heartache, devastation, or the critical moment when our lives totally change. What we become in that singular, critical moment is totally our choice. Will we become a better servant to God and humanity, or will we embrace the bitterness and evil from lesser thinking?

We are created in the image of God and there is an immortal, benevolent desire to rise above the evil and mundane. It is just as easy to become the good servant to God and humanity as it is to become evil.

What if we choose the lesser way and embrace bitterness? We become the lesser thinker who abuses human life and kill for their own arrogance. In the end, they are alone with a broken crutch ready for the fire and no other support. The merciful God will bring another life lesson as another chance to learn and rise up to holy thinking and service that honors God. Simply put, when we make foolish mistakes, God always allows us to try again toward redemption until Blessed Messiah comes. This is the Benevolent and Merciful Creator who never wants His creation to perish but serve Him.

When we fail, God allows us a way to rise above and conquer the trial. All we have to do is pray.

When our friends fail, all we have to do is encourage them and stand by them as they try to improve; we love them in a way we would need if we fail.

So when the chips are counted and cards called on the table, we are all just children trying to learn.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Study - Solitary Outcast - Don't Belong Here - How to Survive

Here are a few alerts to protect from peer distractions that may cause unnecessary stress while enrolled in college and life in general. Remember, never allow distractions that move you to a lesser thinking or lower attitude. Consider all such associates as a valuable learning experience that will make you a better servant to the world. 'Do unto others as you would have them do to you.'

  1. If anyone argues at your first comment, opinion, dialog, they will not be a friend. They do not respect your right to your own thoughts and expect you to submit to them. This is unnatural and the best reaction is simply to listen when required and keep a distance. They are simply called to a different path in life.
  2. The person who is excessively generous at first meeting is an alert. They may have an unhealthy sense of entitlement you can not afford to repay. 
  3. Never borrow or lend. Keep your personal needs and your own responsibilities to yourself and give materials freely to the needy if possible.
  4. People who make judgment decisions about you with no regard or effort to find Truth, is an enemy. They want others to believe their lie as true; any lie can be thought as true even when not true. Assume means you make an 'Ass out of you and me.' 
  5. When people demand an explanation from or about you when it does not concern them, they are your enemy.They do not respect your privacy means that they do not respect you.
  6. People who correct you without your invitation is not a friend. They see you beneath them.
  7. People who talk to you as a younger person and demand authority without cause, do not think you have learned adult character. They do not respect you.
  8. If anyone freely touches your person or belongings without your permission, they are not your friend. The 6" rule is a very good one. 24-36" handshake is appropriate. People who respect others, respect boundaries.
  9. Personal jokes, humor at your expense is never appropriate. The comic speaking is expressing what they truly feel. 'Put down jokes' always have devastating results. It is virtuous to 'laugh at yourself' when you make a mistake, but never appropriate to laugh at another person's mistake. Always have compassion and empathy to help those who make mistakes.
  10. People who will not accept a polite, 'no thank you' is not a friend. 'Are you sure' is a bully and never a kindness.
  11. People who will not accept your success is not a friend. Stay away from people who may be jealous.
  12. The person who rejoices and cries with you, encourages you to grow, lovingly corrects you with truth, is a friend. This person is happy to see you conquer, succeed, and rewarded. This person is a trusted ally who will rejoice with you as you are promoted and will not sway at the thought of jealousy. 
Remember, you have a calling on your life to help make this world better to honor God and humanity. You are required to respect the differences in others: different calling, world view, attitudes, choices, etc. If you want to be respected for your differences, you must respect others for their differences. Do not be distracted by the differences in others, but learn from them and stay focused on your own studies and responsibilities. Freely we receive, we must freely give. 

Study - Mind Over Matter - Don't Worry About It - Do Not Be Distracted

If you're not physically uncomfortable with your study environment fix it immediately so you can study fully without distraction:
do you need a different chair, pillow, back rest; good back support
is the desk height correct for you 
is the lighting correct for you
is the air system correct for you
is the noise volume correct for you
do you know where the luvs are located
are you sleepy 
are you hungry, thirsty 
Have you had an emotional upset of any kind? Take the higher ground and fix it immediately. You must overcome, conquer, get rid of all distraction in order to study:
immediately fix it: apologize, make restitution if needed and move on to the higher, better thinking of the work you have to do alone...study.
Do Not Be Distracted by anything, anyone
Some easy solutions:
In the event items may be available, Ask: chair padding, blanket, ear plugs, lamp, snack
Remember: When you owe money, you will be alone in life...who will pay the cost of your living but You Alone. Don't let others interfere with your study.
Do Not Ever Be Distracted
To be a good student is your duty and obligation to this world.
You Are Not Alone and there are Professional People to help you.