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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Heart, Soul, Strength - I forgot

Why did we forget the brain when the greatest commandment specifically listed cognition? There are many ways to process information, but only one way to love: Love with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Who cares if we are a dichotomy, trichotomy, or even quad? The Creator of the heart, mind, soul, and strength has commanded that love requires all. God never demands what He has not provided. God does not require a certain function level to honor Him; God does require our entire, individual ability given for His own use.

The heart is the initial collector from the sensory gates.
The mind dissects the idea.
The soul decides what to do with the idea.
And we use our strength to use the idea or discard it.

God's design for love demands hard, arduous, truth-seeking labor to honor Him and humanity.

Maybe, now, I'll know what to do with my mind.