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From NE Ohio, lived in Appalachia for 20 years, now in Eastern NC for 20 years.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Humanity - Hidden Secrets in the Top Floor

If the elevator in a posh building has twelve floors to select, there is usually an upper, additional floor accessible only by a special pass or key. Sometimes this top floor is used in reserve for private events or storage. I wonder often if the top floor happenings are good or bad. I wonder if people on the top floor are ok. I never liked the idea of secrets, tricks, propaganda, or exaggerated promises impossible to keep. The top floor is often a very scary place full of uncontrollable imaginations that destroy hope. 

The secret place of my soul is very much like the top floor only the elite evil may know about. Evil took the one key to access the inner places of my soul, which are the noisiest and unruly place to be just like the top floor of mayhem where abuse and destruction of hope are unpublished stories for front page news. 

Despite the elegant entrance and posh elevator, the top floor, that horrible place of evil, destroyed the inner peace the Good God Himself intended to give me freely. When my soul was wasted to nothingness by the abuse on the top floor, I cried to God, the Clean and Pure Creator to help me, save me, from the inner destruction. 

God came and took the key from evil, and now my secret place, the top floor, is a very safe refuge for me and where just God can live comfortably. 

May your secret soul places, your top floor, always be where God lives comfortably. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Marriage - You Love Me How?

I am clean and as neat as possible.
My hands are callused and my nails are torn and broken from labor.
My hands are too sore to play songs and my voice is too gruff to sing.
My face and dark eyes are worn from lack of sleep and fatigue.
My neglected hair is cut off to survive in the hot sun.
My patched clothes betray my secret poverty.
Baren by choice, unconditional love from the womb is impossible.
My fats hang from my body like unwanted wineskins; who knows how to treat and heal imposing obesity?
I have earned no money in my life yet given all.
Through this thick and ugly wall, how can you really love me?
My champion longs for my company.
My champion loves to see my constant efforts to bless others.
My champion longs for and prays for me rather than the little money I earn.
My champion loves to hug me and dance with me when no one is watching.
My champion enjoys giving me ease and comfort.
My champion opens my doors of wonderful delights and carries my burdens.
My champion walks on the outside near the road ready to protect me as the most precious to him.
My champion holds my hand when walking, sitting together.
My champion takes pleasure in my joys rather than my sorrows.
My champion defends my honor with the fresh anointing God provides.
This champion provides for my needs and allows me the coveted choices only allowed through human dignity given by God's Grace alone.
My champion sees me as God sees; He can see someone beautiful. 

You can love me without the shovel, broom, and mop.
You can love me receiving nothing in return.
You can love me without imagining, 'what am I going to get out of her?'
You can love me without regret when I sin.

Maybe if I were pretty...
I could engage in meaningful discussions with the sages learning and teaching.
I could volunteer my time and contribute to the edification of human life.
I could use my hands to bless others. 
I could open my home to anyone who wants the company of like minds.
I could travel and spend time with precious loved ones.
 Maybe if I were pretty...

Your first thoughts and opinions of me would be kind.

Oh, my, how you could love my soul.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Obesity - If You Know Me

I know all about you.
I've heard all about you.
I have you all figured out.
You remind me of...

If you know me, you know nothing; if you know Christ, you know all.

If you know me, then you would delight in praying for my recovery.

If you know me, then you would love my success.

If you know me, then you would be my refuge, my protection.

If you know me, then...

Why do you laugh at my failing?

Why do you take an advantage of my dismissal?

Why do you comment on my name without truth or purpose?

If all you know is me, then you know nothing.

You and I need a Savior. I am soul.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Human Rights - Removing Crosses: Offensive for a Reason

Religious symbols and memorials all testify of individual faith and real events; why are so many opposed or offended by them? Memorial parks now have many vacancies where tombs, statues, and images have been removed because someone was offended by them.

If the event that raised the memorial had never happened, there would be no memorial. Confederacy would still exist as would the legal trade of human beings as a commodity. After over two hundred years of slavery and Southern independence, I suppose no one would really care about the issue today. The North would mind their own business, as is custom even today, and the South would simply live free with their slaves and trade rights.

We certainly wouldn't have memorials to the fallen to remind us of our sin because we would be simply living free with our economic freedom and independence and sinless.

Sinless...sinless...sinless; now there is a thought. The cold, hard truth is we did sin and had to erect memorials to remind us of those sins. Statues of General Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, southern soldiers were erected to remind us what we as a people suppressed, abused, and used human beings for our own benefit and amusement. These southern people cried from their graves that we the living would learn from their tragic sin and their sin would never become our sin.

Those who think themselves academic will try to explain the atrocities of the past as a tidy little essay and sound impressive and even some sounding victimized, but I say, please do your own research. Work, dig, labor, and sweat blood for the good of humanity lest we forget the crimes against humanity committed before us.

Walking through the Holocaust Museum will offend me;
Walking through Bull Run National Park will offend me;
Walking through the Chinese Railroad Workers Exhibit in San Francisco will offend me;
Walking through a Japanese Internment Camp will offend me;
Walking through a factory museum with pictures of poor women and children labor will offend me;
Walking through a cinema history museum will offend me;
Walking through a Coal Mine exhibit in West Virginia will offend me...

Surely I would never be so capable of such inhumanity... or would I? My DNA suggests UK Celtic, Scandinavian, and Eastern Europe Semitic, but money always talks and I may have a price.

Oh God, Oh God have mercy on me and on the whole world for our rejection of truth.

What are we to do without the reminders? After all, we are only human and money talks.

Surely I would never be so capable of such inhumanity... or would I? The Cross of Jesus reminds me that I am offended by sin, by My Sin. What would I do without the Holy Reminder?

Friday, November 3, 2017

Study - Lady Academia - Most Ignorant, Part 2

Why does Lady Academia seem to lose the war against ignorance? She fights against popular opinion and popular news for the Truth, yet seem to become the fatality.

Truth is never popular or exciting. No one really wants the truth in daily life. Truth is not popular because it is often inconvenient and even painful.

As a Judaic Christian, the Old Testament teaches that the Hebrew people are God's chosen people who are to witness to the world of the One True God. After the first patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it seems they were destined to a very dark and sad future. Joseph, Moses, and a few righteous judges in the midst were the golden characters, but sadly the rest of the story seems rather bleak. Hebrews have proclaimed and witnessed of the One True God only to find oppression, defeat and constant holocaust throughout history.  They were oppressed, conquered, enslaved, exiled, and systematically exterminated throughout history, yet the faith in the One True God survives and thankfully influences the entire human race; I am very thankful for the faith in the One True God.

It is all too easy for the self-centered religious community to develop feel-good theories to explain the rejection of the truth, but I say Hebrew history tells us that people just simply don't like Truth. The truth of who God is and the truth of who we are as His created humanity is simply too difficult for the common world to accept.

Our mental health community reminds us, 'The truth will set you free,' but mental health and recovery is a very hard regimen. It is a hard task to learn and accept the truth about oneself.

I'm reminded of a line from the movie Quo Vadis in response to Nero's decision to put people as animal bait as public entertainment: "...along with grain and wine...people will believe any lie if it is fantastic enough."1

We have been privileged to have the great World Wide Web and with it social networking, but an equally heavy responsibility of proof is attached. Information has to be weighed and proven by the truth and sadly the era in which we live has forgotten that brain work takes time and effort.

Do you still want to be the boss? Do you still want influence and seniority? Lady Academia says, 'put up or shut up.'

1 - Quo Vadis script: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=quo-vadis
Quo Vadis, based on the novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 1951, directed by Mervyn LeRoy. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Humanity - My Board, My People, My Employees, My Department,... - No it's not.

Nothing destroys human dignity, self-respect like ignorant and immature arrogance and the way to spot an immature newbie is their common language of self-glorification. Sadly they don't realize they are putting themselves in a totally worthless and troublesome image when they put their co-laborers beneath them. They look and sound stupid to the very people who depend on them.

Regardless of spiritual persuasion, or lack thereof, we as human beings share this world and must respect each other more than ourselves. If we continuously consider the needs of others as more important, then we will become a worthy servant to each other. We will become true professionals  far too busy doing our own work than to be concerned with 'I want to be the boss.' The true CEO or business owner who's priority is to live for others, will not use such insulting language because they must carry the burden of genuine responsibility.

True leaders will always cry out to the Creator as the supreme ruler: Blessed are you O God, Ruler of the Universe. 1
If our Hebrew language is not your taste, try the Latin, 'Non Nobis Domine' or maybe a genuine 'I can't do this without your help, please help me.'

True leaders will always confess their need for help and their own frailties.

True leaders will always do what needs doing at the moment rather than wait for someone else: If a clean paper trash is on the ground for goodness sake, please pick it up and put it in the trash can! In other words, if my Lord and Good Master Jesus is willing to wash my feet, shouldn't I do the same?

True leaders will always live transparent in a glass house. Everyone assumes to know everything about the leader whether true or false with no consequence to themselves. Isolation is one of the heavy crosses in leadership.

True leaders will always step up and take the bullet, the complaint, the full responsibility for someone else with no comment, advertisement, or complaint.

A true leader is true to themselves and others without comment; a true leader gives the reward and takes the punishment.

After all, 'The buck stops here.' 3

1 - Jewish prayer, https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/blessings-for-shabbat-holidays/
2 - Latin prayer, 'Not to us O Lord.' http://www.latin-dictionary.org/Non_nobis,_Domine
3 - Slogan by President Harry S. Truman, https://www.trumanlibrary.org/buckstop.htm